Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Hunter's Education Graduates New Hunters

The spring class of Hunter Education was recently completed with the following students receiving their certificates: Kolton Hanser, Mason McElroy, Daylan Mercer, Emery Peyton, Lakota Peyton, Blaine Vaughn, Mandy Hanser, Abby Petterson, and Corban Slater.

In order to hunt in the state of Montana you need to pass a Hunter Education program if you were born after January 1, 1985. The course is administered by Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks.

Volunteer instructors conduct the courses. Instructors for this course were Joe Carmody, Darrell Anderson, Dave Soennichsen, and Dave Cole. Dalten Denny was not available for this session due to work constraints.

Funding for the course is mainly through the FWP from sources like the Pittman - Roberson Act which taxes hunting equipment. Instructors pick up expenses not covered by the FWP. Donations have also been made locally by the Jefferson Valley Sportsmans Assoc., Team Insurance, the Whitehall Community Center, Cardwell School, and Roger McClure. The course covers not only firearm safety, but also topics such as conservation, basic first aid, landowner relations, and understanding hunting rules and regulations.


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