Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between the Stacks: 4/5/2023

With all of the controversy surrounding libraries these days, I thought it would be nice to let everyone know how the Whitehall Community Library serves the public and why. First, our goal is to make lifelong learners of everyone from birth to 140. Reading is a portal into thousands of different stories, no matter if it is for escape, education, entertainment, or just curiosity. Our readers have the option of books on CD, paperbacks, online audio and print books through Montana2Go, hardbacks, graphic novels, board books, and non-fiction reference books. Because the average cost of a book is over $25, libraries save avid readers both time and money.

Our building and our new use of Town Hall will enable the Library to provide great programs for every age group. From exercise classes for seniors, book clubs, Curiosity Untamed, guest speakers, and the Holocaust Project, the public can attend a variety of learning and entertaining experiences for free. The children’s programming includes exploring different countries with the 21st Century Program twice a week, and story times for large groups (Head Start, daycares, preschools, and homeschoolers). We have offered classes on everything from estate planning to Alzheimer’s care. Summer Reading regularly includes over 200 readers of all ages who enjoy puppet shows, magic performances, craft programs, and more.

Our technology not only includes computers for public use but also copiers, a fax machine, and technology assistance from the staff on everything from how to print to locating information on fixing cell phones. The computer classes have given instruction on computer safety to over 100 seniors who are having a very hard time in this digital world they don’t understand but want to be a part of.

The Library also offers a safe place for children to come and play Pokemon, explore STEM Camp, or just gather to hang out and eat snacks. The Friends and volunteers assist in creating a Christmas Festival every year which includes a winter wear giveaway, Santa visiting, crafts, and more.

It takes the contributions of dozens of organizations to help the Library do the many things patrons see on the calendar. It may take a village to raise a child but it takes a town to enable your Library to do all that it does. Our first goal is lifelong learners but our second is to ensure that your Library is a place where everyone feels welcome. If we don’t know the answer to a question, I promise we will do our best to find it.


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