Life has no actual rules.
Adults who act like children for the majority of their life result in their children having to act like adults for the majority of theirs.
No one has ever discovered an animal with the perfect
Technically speaking, execution by firing squad is the same thing as execution by stoning. Only the stones are going really, really fast.
You never really notice how much sound-dampening your furniture does until you move.
People born on February 29 on leap years never have golden birthdays.
It’s completely normal to have thoughts all day, but when you speak them out loud suddenly you’re the weirdo
Being young and bald makes you look older, but when you’re old it can actually make you look younger.
We take it for granted that our organs function (almost) silently.
Our bodies ran on electricity long before we even knew what it was or had harnessed it.
The most lonely person is unknown, and it’s impossible to know who he/she is.
Living as a whale in the ocean for 40 years sounds really boring.
For how often fast food
restaurants forget items in our orders, they must make a killing on that free profit.
Friday off hits a little differently than Monday off.
Few people care if it is cloudy during the night.
The Oompa Loompas created a bunch of diss tracks just for children.
As a pro athlete, it must be super sad not to want to play as
yourself in video games because your player rating is trash.
Though they sound like
opposites, inside-out and outside-in describe the same condition.
Money is the reason we can have nice things and money is also the reason we can’t have nice things.
You are not ever really in Traffic Jam. You are Traffic Jam.
The light bulb changed how the earth looks from space forever.
There is a chance that the future of finance is bots competing to out-scam each other.
Your tongue can’t taste by itself because it needs saliva to taste.
The Pause icon is mostly
associated with videos playing, while the Play icon is associated with a paused video.
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