Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

JeffCo Health Department Update: March

Nursing has been an important part of my adult life. I have enjoyed and learned from many different work environments during my years as a nurse. When I moved from private-sector nursing to public health nursing eight years ago, a new learning curve began. I soon discovered my patient was no longer one individual, it was a community. That community could be the size of a family or the size of a county. Caring for an entire community required a broader view of health and healing.

In the medical field, diseases and injuries are treated one patient at a time. In public health, disease, and injury are approached at the community and population level through education and prevention. Early prevention can keep us from becoming ill or injured. Prevention also promotes wellness by encouraging healthy behaviors. Promoting health and wellness in our daily lives was something I could advocate for.

Promoting healthy communities and healthy behavior is essential to public health work. Public health is many things. It is clean air and water, safe schools, mental health, emergency preparedness, disease surveillance, leadership, policy change, promotion of healthy lifestyles, and much more. The goal is to improve health outcomes for everyone.

Growing up in Montana gave me an appreciation for a clean environment, outdoor spaces, and close-knit communities. Living and working outside the state provided me with an understanding of how important protecting healthy communities is. Our health is impacted by the environments in which we live, work, and play.

Public health is not a solo journey. It involves working together to make sure our communities are safe and healthy places to live. Public health relies on the support of a wide range of stakeholders. It is a partnership of individuals and organizations throughout the stages of life. Public health includes holistic efforts to improve education, policy, and access to healthy options for all of us.

In the coming months, Jefferson County Health Department will be conducting a Community Health Assessment. This assessment will help provide a picture of our county’s current health status, the factors contributing to health risks, and the assets we have to improve health. I invite you to participate in this assessment. We want to hear your voices and understand your needs and concerns. We all have an important role in public health. Please stay tuned for more information on the Jefferson County Community Health Assessment.

Together we can make our community stronger and healthier. Be well!


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