Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 3/22/2023

We know more about most animals than they know about themselves.

James Bond wouldn’t last 30 seconds as a real spy.

We created a society that is so hard to live in, that in order to not live in a constant state of anxiety, some of us need marijuana or anti-depressants.

Mathematics are confusing because of the language, not the concepts.

Even if we all spoke the same language we wouldn’t understand everyone.

A downhill battle sounds just as bad as an uphill battle.

Everything does happen for a reason, but people never acknowledge that those reasons precede the thing that happens.

Emeralds must not be rare in Oz if they made a whole city out of them.

Bluetooth headphones must have made the life of pickpockets stealing smartphones so much easier.

Beating a dead horse is a lot more humane than beating a live one.

Every shadow is naked.

When your chemistry with someone is strong enough, deodorant just gets in the way of their actual smell, which is what you want.

Green cars can have two very different meanings.

Fancy restaurants have washing machines.

People actually weigh more when sucking in their belly for a picture as they tend to inhale.

The caps on most condiments just reduce bigger holes to smaller holes.

You sometimes hear about a human being raised by wolves, but basically every dog is a wolf raised by humans.

You can’t feasibly make pancakes in a cake pan.

Imitation crab is seafood hotdogs.

Vampires have high cheekbones because that’s where they store their fangs when not using them.

We celebrate the birthdays of some people longer than they actually lived.

Bowling balls are almost always illustrated or painted as black, but in the bowling alleys, they’re always glittery and seldom black.

No one in the live studio audience ever sneezes.

No one knows what the greatest lie ever told was.


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