The Whitehall Garden Club meeting was everything 'green' including the beautifully laden table created and designed by Laura Horn and Glenna Waltee. Delicious "Pots Of Gold" egg bites, fresh green grapes, green veggies, green lime juice, and two types of traditional Irish soda bread were enjoyed by all. With the luck of the Irish, scrumptious Blarney Stones were also served, but we believe 'tis the wee leprechauns that took off with them to be hidden in the shamrocks....because they disappeared quickly! The TEN-MINUTE Presentation was held by Ann Palmer who told us about the "mallow" herb and how it becomes the "marsh-mallow." Ann's talk was very interesting giving us information and history about the marshmallow. All I can say is thank goodness for the ones in the bags! The general meeting was full of information about upcoming events and activities. FYI the WGC is looking for a high school student who would like a job working in the Native Plant Garden (on the hill by the Veterans' Memorials) one day a week. This is a paid position. Please contact Glenna Waltee @ 498-8780. Another important news item is that the WGC is offering a $1000 Scholarship for a Senior who plans on attending a trade school, 2 or 4-year college upon their graduating from Whitehall HS. Please contact your Senior counselor for more information/application. What a wonderful opportunity!
Our guest speaker was Norm DeNeal from the Butte Garden Club speaking on "The Deep Reasons Why We Garden," and his program was fascinating! Norm asked a few people why they garden and the answers were varied but mostly because of their feeling a connection to their garden and enjoying the work. That is exactly what Norm showed us was happening with the positive energy we receive while gardening and the plants receive back from us, thus creating a marvelous positive energy flow and field around us. He asked for a volunteer and Ann Palmer stepped forward. Norm used copper rods to establish the depths of Ann's positive fields, then he asked Ann to think a happy thought, those rods crossed even further out showing her positivity had increased threefold. Using a lovely plant from Glenna Waltee's home, Norm showed that plants too have a positive energy field and so the "talk nicely to your plants" guideline is true! Oh, and by the way, if you have negative thoughts, the rods show NO ENERGY....ZIP....NIL.....The takeaway here is, Spring is coming, start preparing for your gardens, flowers or even looking at books and magazines about gardens/life and feel positive energy.
We do have an effect on everything around us and vice versa, so put that smile on and let's get gardening! Reading? Ranching? Shopping? Painting? Walking? Visiting? Cooking? Eating?
Whatever makes you smile! Our next meeting is on April 5 and you are invited!
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