Jackalopes are one of the hardest animals to find, but there is a big population in Whitehall.
Jackalopes live in the same areas as antelopes but act like gophers. The reason why you don't see them is that jackalopes only have their antlers two months out of the year. In January and December, jackalopes grow antlers and start to fight over the females. As they fight, their antlers fall off and the one who has the antlers left gets the best female for breeding. The other 10 months of the year the jackalopes just look like skinny rabbits and that is why no one believes they are real. You rarely see the antler sheds because they are white as snow fresh, then turn dirt colored as the snow melts.
When you go hunting for Jackalopes, you do not want to get them with their antlers on. This is because they taste like a pure salt lick when trying to grow antlers. I found the best time to get them is March. Plus, you don't want to confuse a Jackalope with a rabbit. Jackalopes have sweet meat and rabbits have tough meat. The way I can tell the difference is the way their eyes look at night. Rabbits' eyes are yellow when a light is shined on them, and Jackalopes have blue eyes. The big problem with this game is you must hunt at night, and you can only get one shot. I will say I have been shot at by many ranchers in Whitehall because they claim I was an alien they saw out in their field. I normally dress in all black and have a gun and a headlamp. I still don't understand how I look like an alien.
When you are out hunting, the way you can tell you are close to a Jackalope den is by seeing a lot of antlers on the ground. After you have got 5 or more Jackalopes you are ready to make the stew.
5 or more Jackalopes
Your favorite BBQ sauce
7 big potatoes
3 large carrots
1 red onion
1. Cut off the legs of the jackalope; that is the only part you will eat because the body has little to no meat. I normally give the body to my dogs for a treat.
2. Dice up the potatoes and carrots into bite pieces. Then chop up the onion how you want.
3. After cutting everything up, put it all in the crock pot and add your BBQ sauce. Cook on low to medium heat all day.
Bon appetit!! PS...these recipes are not verified, but if you give them a try, please let us know how they go!
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