People often misconstrue good fortune as talent, and even more confusingly- bad fortune as a lack of it.
Good-hearted people are also usually naive. They don’t expect to be scammed because they wouldn’t scam others.
Provided a hose is nearby, it’s better to step in dog poo barefoot than with shoes on.
One frustrating thing about getting older is younger people not getting your references; the upside is they assume you came up with all those clever one-liners.
Most humans have been correctly applying physics in their daily lives without ever having opened a physics book.
Fast driving doesn’t kill you; fast stopping kills you.
Brushing your teeth is the only (hopefully) way to clean your skeleton.
You can never successfully fight someone’s ego, you can only manipulate it.
You know you’re at a good workplace when employees actively clean up after themselves without prompting.
All those logo quiz games that were popular in the late ‘00s and early ‘10s were just massive brand recognition data collection tools.
Forests are either really relaxing or really scary.
Movies based on video games are finally starting to get good because the people who grew up playing them are old enough to be directing, writing, and acting in them.
You live in the present to make more past memories for the future you.
They won’t allow you to smile in passport photos because they want you to look the same as if you were standing in line at customs for an hour.
People who are oblivious are never aware they are oblivious.
The lightbulb was such a great idea that it became a symbol of a great idea.
Native speakers of any language are the least knowledgeable about the grammatical rules of that language.
You’re less likely to fall on rough-surface rocks, but more likely to get hurt if you do.
Saying you’re in the top X at something sounds more impressive than saying you’re Xth place at the same thing.
Since our eyes take 50 milliseconds to send a signal to our brain, we all have 50-millisecond ping in real life.
You use energy to make ice. And then you have to make sure it doesn’t get any energy at all.
Being able to sing in your head sounds way better than when you record it.
One of the only benefits of living in North Korea is you can see the night sky clearly.
Future generations will be able to view our internet history on or its future equivalents.
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