Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

PTSA Seeks Sponsors for Money Wars

At Whitehall Elementary School we have a March Madness Money War. This is a great fundraiser we do for the PTSA. Grades K-5 compete on which grade will raise the most change to win, without being sabotaged by other grades. Coins add to their grade's total amount, while dollar bills from opposing grades subtract from their total, creating a war. It's all very fun and the winners will be announced at the end of March. The winning grade will receive a pizza party and extra recess.

How can you help?

The Whitehall PTSA is seeking businesses that will pick a grade they think has the best chance of winning. If that grade does win, the business agrees to match the total change raised (in the past the highest amount raised has been $250) or the business can create its own cap to match. If the grade the business sponsors loses, the business agrees to a consolation donation of $50.

Who/what is the PTSA? The PTSA is a non-profit organization upheld by a board of volunteers. The PTSA raises funds to help with school needs, teacher and student needs and tries to have events planned that add value to the community and the enrichment of Whitehall students. The PTSA has participated in the Whitehall Fall Festival's carnival games, put on the family movie night this past December, brought Santa/the Grinch to the school Christmas concerts, helped bring Shakespeare in the Park and Missoula Children's Theatre to the area, and purchased equipment for recesses....the list is endless. The PTSA asked that you become a part of our community and our school.

If you are able to join in on the fun, please email as soon as possible so the PTSA can inform the grades which business will be sponsoring their fight or the win in a flyer to be sent home on February 24th.


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