Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Horoscopes: Week of 2/15/2023

ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20

You might feel caught up in a daze this week, Aries. Your mind continues to wander, but your thoughts will settle down soon enough.

TAURUS Apr 21/May 21

Make an effort to bring more people onto your side, Taurus. You can’t possibly win everyone over, but others might be receptive to your ideas with the right approach.

GEMINI May 22/Jun 21

A sit down with a higher-up could be in order soon, Gemini. Explain your attributes and what you have been doing for the company and make an effort to compromise, if necessary.

CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22

Cancer, you are still following through with resolutions to be more organized. Start slowly and build up to bigger projects when you gain confidence in your abilities.

LEO Jul 23/Aug 23

Celestial energy has you temporarily doubting your abilities, Leo. Normally you are quite confident in your creativity. Give things a little time to settle down.

VIRGO Aug 24/Sept 22

Virgo, excitement could be on the horizon. Caution is needed, but don’t hesitate to embrace the renewed vigor this development inspires.

LIBRA Sept 23/Oct 23

Libra, this week you may start micromanaging other people without even realizing it. You certainly want things to be in order, but sometimes you have to let others be.

SCORPIO Oct 24/Nov 22

Retail therapy has its allure this week, Scorpio. If you must buy, direct your purchasing dollars toward a sweetheart for Valentine’s Day or another special occasion.


Sagittarius, ground yourself with the small luxuries in your life that bring you joy. This could be the company of friends or cherished mementos.

CAPRICORN Dec 22/Jan 20

Misinformation seems to circulate with ease, but don’t believe everything you hear this week, Capricorn. You may need to do some fact-checking of your own.

AQUARIUS Jan 21/Feb 18

Aquarius, you could be tempted to indulge in a little gossip as the rumors start flying this week. Take the high road and resist the urge to join in.

PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20

Pisces, if you feel a little off your game this week, find a friend who can offer you a pep talk. That’s all you need to bounce back.


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