Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Thank You Western Veterinary

Dear Editor,

It has been over 15 years since the AS&C of Jefferson County formed a partnership with Dr. Cory Tebay and Western Veterinary Service. This partnership was formed for the welfare of County animals and to educate their owners on the importance of vaccinating, as well as spaying and neutering pets. Cory and Western Veterinary Service have played a huge role in its success throughout the years by sponsoring the shot clinics and offering the vaccinations at a low cost for Jefferson County residents. The AS&C of Jefferson County would like to take this time to especially thank and give a shout-out of appreciation to Cory Tebay, Western Veterinary Service, and Cindy Frey, his assistant. These services have made a dramatic difference in fighting against animal diseases such as rabies, parvo, and distemper in our County.

When we first started the shot clinics in 2007, we averaged 50-58 animals at each of our clinics. Today it has grown in numbers to 90 plus animals; as many as 150 animals at each of our clinics. Dr. Cory, Cindy Frey, and his staff have been kind enough to give their time, knowledge, and experience to Jefferson County pet owners and we often joke that we wish we could clone Cory and Western Veterinary Services because of the need for veterinary services has grown along with the County’s growth.

The AS&C of Jefferson County and Jefferson County as a whole are very fortunate to have Western Veterinary Service to help provide these services for Jefferson County residents.

Not only are they wonderful at what they do, but they truly love animals and concern themselves with their quality of life.

Thank you, Dr. Cory, Western Veterinary Service for all your constant help and support throughout the years. We truly appreciate all your support throughout the years. Now if we could only figure out how we can clone YOU!

Cheryl Haasakker

Boulder, Montana


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