Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you all had a chocolate treat for me! Speaking of holidays, this upcoming Monday, February 20, the Library will be closed for President’s Day but will be open the rest of the week at regular times.
Homeschool Roundup will meet at 1 PM on Tuesday, February 21 for crafts, networking, and idea exchanging. All homeschoolers and those thinking of homeschooling are invited to come and participate.
This Friday the STEM Camp group will meet at 2:30 PM. Miss Brandi always has great projects to teach our young scientists about the world around them with science, technology, engineering, and math. You never know what they will build, blow up, or dissect! This is currently a younger group but everyone is welcome.
The Holocaust Project will meet on Thursday, February 23. The coordinators will meet at 5 PM to finalize plans for several projects and then the book discussion group will meet at 6 PM. Anyone is welcome to come and join the discussion group, teens and adults alike. If you would like more information about the project just call the Library at 1-406-287-3763.
There will not be an ACP Class on February 27 as that was a printing error. If there is an interest in another set of classes, we will see what we can do to hold them.
I have had several requests for computer classes for adults. If you would like to see the Library offer another set of computer classes, please call the Library to get on the list. I need ten people to commit to a class before they will begin. Subjects may include email, word processing, apps, and more. Classes are free and a limited number of laptops are available.
We have been researching different countries this year again with the 21st Century students, and we’ve had a great time learning about China, Israel, Sweden, Columbia, and more. It is so much fun to watch them trying to pronounce their names in Chinese, write the Hebrew alphabet, and make crafts from around the world. There are so many amazing places to learn different cultures, foods, crafts, customs, and languages that this may be a yearly part of our program. I am not sure who is having more fun, the staff or the students.
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