ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20
Aries, it’s important to focus on progress and not necessarily on money that can be made. See what you can learn along the path you choose.
TAURUS Apr 21/May 21
You have high hopes that your efforts will be well received this week, Taurus. Before you move full speed ahead, run your ideas by a trusted group of confidantes.
GEMINI May 22/Jun 21
You don’t learn by getting things right all of the time, Gemini. A few mistakes along the way provide an opportunity to grow and figure out new ways to do the job.
CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22
Cancer, distractions seemingly abound this week and your head isn’t in the game. While you can get away with a few oversights here and there, too many can be problematic.
LEO Jul 23/Aug 23
Leo, someone in your life is looking for a pep talk and you are just the person to provide one. Listen to the problem at hand and offer this person some solid solutions.
VIRGO Aug 24/Sept 22
Virgo, you could be at a crossroads in your life. You are pondering many different scenarios, and now is the time to solidify plans for the next few weeks.
LIBRA Sept 23/Oct 23
If you made a career change recently, you may be discovering that the payoff isn’t quite what you expected. Fulfillment is essential, so give some thought to new pursuits.
SCORPIO Oct 24/Nov 22
Scorpio, it is not like you to feel adrift, but that could be the situation right now. Latch on to one activity or person that brings you joy. Focus on the positives in life.
Sagittarius, family members want to spend more time with you, so plan for the extra company. Have a few extra snacks on hand and make sure the house is orderly.
CAPRICORN Dec 22/Jan 20
Your tendency to want to tackle things all on your own could have you pushing others away, Capricorn. Accept others’ willingness to pitch in.
AQUARIUS Jan 21/Feb 18
Aquarius, there has been a lot on your plate and many thoughts swimming through your mind. A quick getaway could be what is needed this month.
PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20
Pisces, you have a few offers on the table, but could be having trouble narrowing down your preference. Bring in a third party to help.
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