Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between the Stacks: 2/1/2023

This Wednesday, February 1st, at 10 AM we will be hosting the third Alzheimer’s program on Effective Communications with Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients. Julie Bushmaker has been doing an incredible job sharing information on all sorts of Alzheimer-related topics, as well as dementia. The last program will be on Wednesday, February 8th at 10 AM. This session will explore Money Matters, talking about all types of financial concerns and where to get help.

The Library will be offering a QPR class on suicide prevention from 12 PM to 2 PM for county employees and anyone else who is interested in learning the signs to watch for in loved ones and others. If you would like to participate in this training on Tuesday, February 7th please call the Library to sign up. There is no cost and snacks will be provided.

Military Strong is a program that reaches out to families of those who have been deployed.

The Library will be hosting two sets of programs, the first on Thursday, February 9th at 5:30 PM. for those who work with children who have parents who have been deployed or families with children who have parents who have been deployed. Then on Thursday, February 16th at 2 PM there will be a general session on Military Strong. Both programs are free and open to the public.

The Holocaust Project will be having a Coordinator meeting for everyone going to Los Angeles at 5 PM on February 2nd. Then the regular Holocaust Book Club will meet at PM to discuss this month’s selections. Anyone may become a part of the book club and have access to the special Holocaust section of the Library. If you are interested in joining, just come to the meeting and learn about this important topic.

We are having two special Storytimes this month. Deanna Mydland is coming to celebrate Valentine’s Day with us on February 10th and a surprise guest reader will be popping in this week.

Storytime takes place at 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, and 1 PM and is open to any preschoolers, toddlers, or young children who enjoy crafts, music, and books.

Lit to Flic will begin in February with Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen at 6 PM. Luke Forney will be back to lead the discussions and provide literary insight as well as background for the novel.

The Library will be closed on February 20th for President’s Day. We will be open the rest of the week for regular hours.


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