Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Jefferson County Commissioner Update: Cory Kirsch

I wanted to take a moment to update everyone on some of what has been happening at the County lately. We are winding down the distribution of the $2.4 million we were allocated in American Rescue Plan Act money, most commonly referred to as ARPA money. We made our best effort to spread this money around the County to help folks recover from the adverse effects of the Covid pandemic. The County is working on applying for a Federal Access Grant to improve a deteriorating section of the Cataract Creek Road near Basin. If successful we will be able to widen and shore up a very narrow and unstable section of the road and make it much safer to travel.

Our Solid Waste program is doing very well. We have a great crew of site attendants, truck drivers, and a very effective and professional supervisor leading the program. The new site in MT City is proving itself very timely and efficient. Please stop by and check it out if you are in that area. We are in need of at least one new haul truck and will be looking at the budget this spring to see if we will be able to afford one this year. We very much appreciate everyone bringing your permits with you when you visit the sites; this is the only way we have to determine if everyone is paying for this service.

The Commission has decided to offer the Zoom or video conference option for its weekly Commission meetings upon request instead of always having it on. Ever since the end of the pandemic, there has been little or no attendance on this platform. We ask if you would like to attend via Zoom that you let one of us know prior to the meeting so we can have it set up for you.

This is a very short report with just a few things we have been up to lately. I will try to do a report like this more often to keep you informed. We love to have our residents attend our meetings and be engaged with our local government process. Please never hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.


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