Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking public comment on several proposals slated to go to the Fish and Wildlife Commission in February. Comment is open through Feb. 3.
After public comment, commissioners can offer amendments to the proposals as they see fit. The proposals and supporting documents, commissioner amendments, and collected public comments are available on the FWP website.
The commission will make a final decision on these proposals at its meeting on Feb. 22.
Fish removal projects for 2023-2026: For 2023 - 2026, there are 26 fish removal projects planned that have not previously been approved by the commission, all intended for native species conservation. There may be additional projects brought separately to the commission for approval, such as instances where illegal introductions or invasive species are discovered or for an unexpected conservation need. Proposed projects include a combination of chemical and mechanical removals.
Future Fisheries Improvement Projects, winter 2023 funding cycle: For the winter 2023 funding cycle, the Citizen Review Panel recommends funding 10 of 11 submitted proposals at a program cost of $471,419.50. Matching funds total $2.1 million and other contributions total $380,000, producing a ratio of $5.3 in external contributions to every $1 of FFIP funding.
Paddlefish regulation proposed change for Intake Bypass Channel: The Intake Fish Bypass Channel, at Intake Diversion Dam on the Yellowstone River, was completed in April 2022. Objectives for the project are to improve upstream and downstream fish passage for pallid sturgeon and other native species, including paddlefish, while maintaining water diversions into the Lower Yellowstone Project Main Canal. Snagging for paddlefish is very popular in the lower Yellowstone and can lead to high concentrations of anglers targeting paddlefish during spawning migrations. Since it is not yet fully understood how the fish bypass channel will influence fish movements and angler behavior, the department proposes closing the bypass channel to snagging to avoid a bycatch of migrating pallid sturgeon and other native species. Closing the bypass to snagging could also reduce potential conflicts between paddlefish anglers and FWP monitoring crews. The bypass channel will remain open for passage by boats and for angling by other methods.
Upper Missouri River Reservoirs 2022 regulation changes: Monitoring surveys in 2021 and 2022 found that yellow perch abundance in Holter Reservoir was well above management goals. For yellow perch management, the plan recommends more liberal fishing regulations when abundance increases above the goal range. To maximize yellow perch fishing opportunities while minimizing the impact on the population, the department is proposing to change the Holter Reservoir harvest regulation for yellow perch from 25 daily and in possession to 25 daily and 50 in possession.
In the river section from Toston to Canyon Ferry, monitoring has shown stable walleye abundance, but the size structure is comprised primarily of large fish. In the river section, the department proposes to modify the current regulation of 10 daily, only one over 15 inches, to the Central Fishing District standard regulation of five walleye per day, 10 in possession. The current regulation, which only allows the harvest of one fish over 15 inches, is unnecessarily restrictive and there is no biological reason to restrict walleye harvest to this extent. In addition, the standard walleye limit for the Central Fishing District has the advantage of being simple and easy to implement.
Ruby Dam Fishing Access Site lease agreement: Ruby Dam FAS is a day-use site at the mouth of Ruby Dam about 7 miles south of Alder on Ruby Dam Road. FWP operates Ruby Dam FAS under a no-cost recreational lease from the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation. The most recent lease expired in August 2022, and FWP wishes to enter a new lease on that site that would be in effect from February 2023 through December 2032. The major terms in the lease remain the same as before: FWP would be responsible for recreational management and maintenance of the site. New terms in the lease would allow for a rustic campground to be added. If that action is contemplated in the future, the department would conduct EA and public comment process before making a decision. No development is contemplated at this time.
Wildlife Management Area public use rules: The commission has adopted public use rules biennially, and more recently, annually for FWP lands specifically acquired for the purpose of providing effective fish and wildlife habitat. Those department lands comprise Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs), Wildlife Habitat Protection Areas, and Fisheries Conservation Areas. Rules adopted on a regular schedule are referred to as “seasonal rules” and in this proposal would serve as the public use rules for the calendar year 2023. The purpose of these rules is to manage public uses while protecting fish and wildlife habitats. FWP is also currently working on public use Administrative Rules (ARM 12.8.201- 12.8.219), revising and combining them into one public use rule set for all types of department lands. The revised ARM rules are scheduled to be completed by fall 2023 for 2024 implementation.
Comments will also be accepted on the following: 501 Pemberton Lane acquisition, Billings, Closure of Fresno Tailwater Fishing Access Site for Bureau of Reclamation Safety of Dams Project, 2023-24 Flathead Indian Reservation Non-Member Fishing and Hunting Regulations, Bear Creek Angus Conservation Easement Restatement, and Otter Creek LLS Islands -- expansion of Indian Fort Fishing Access Site on the Yellowstone River.
To comment and for more information on these proposals, go online to
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