In celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day the Library will be closed on Monday, January 16th. We will be open the rest of the week for regular hours to keep up with our programming schedule and checkouts.
We are hosting a wonderful series on Alzheimer's and Dementia education beginning on Wednesday, January 18th at 10 AM. The series will be four weeks long and cover Understanding Alzheimer's & Dementia, Understanding Behavior, Effective Communication Strategies, and Money Matters. No one likes to think that their family or themselves will have to deal with these heartbreaking conditions but the time to prepare is now. I can not tell you how many times people have asked me what they should do when someone they love is given a diagnosis. These classes cover all of the basic information and are free to the public. As one who has dealt with both conditions in my family, dealing with the news of Alzheimer's in a loved one is not the time to have to suddenly take a crash course in caregiving, medical costs, and behavior changes.
Next Tuesday, January 17th is Mystery Book Club at 5 PM followed by Lit to Flic at 6 PM. The Mystery Book Club lets readers discover new authors, discuss favorite books, and learn about other mystery genres they may not know about. The Lit to Flic has gone to France and is reading The Three Musketeers. Come join us for these fun programs.
The ACP (Advanced Care Planning) class is only going to be held once, on January 23 at 6 PM and January 30 at 6 PM. This two-session Monday evening class will cover an overview of what is needed and getting started in the process; while the second class will cover finishing and finalizing your documents. Many people are not prepared when something happens and this two-session class is to make sure your wishes are carried out with legal and medical documents completed by the end of the class. Please call and let us know if you are coming so we have enough supplies for everyone.
We had a great smashing session at the Library last week when the Curiosity Untamed class celebrated the end of the holidays with a wonderful Norwegian tradition. After Christmas, the Norwegians take their gingerbread houses outside and smash them with mallets, hammers, clubs, or whatever is handy. The group had a great time and looks forward to new projects this year! That is my kind of celebration.
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