Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 12/28/2022

Ohio is the only state in the USA that doesn’t share a letter with the word “mackerel”.

You never see old people laying/sleeping on their stomach.

The correct phrase is “you can’t eat your cake and have it, too” not the other way around. You can, in fact, have your cake and then proceed to eat it, whereas you cannot possess some cake after already having devoured it.

The way society views butterflies vs moths is an example of how pretty privilege works.

Less than 750K humans have ever been to Antarctica. 500K of those were in the last 15 years.

Monopoly teaches you that you are more willing to go to jail as you get poorer.

Most mammals have twice as many nipples as their species’ average litter size (e.g. humans mostly have one kid at a time, but have two nipples). This is

colloquially referred to as the “half nipple rule.” Except opossums, which for some reason have an odd number of nipples.

You’re officially an adult when it’s no longer hard to fall asleep on Christmas Eve.

A million seconds is almost 12 days. A billion seconds is almost 32 years.

It’s so paradoxical that nuclear bombs; the most destructive weapon ever produced is what is keeping peace.

Seventy-five pounds of lye heated to 300 degrees will completely dissolve the body of a 220lb man in two and a half hours, give or take 30 minutes.

Surgery replaces an injury that is hard for your body to heal with an injury that is easier for your body to heal.

Maybe Santa is able to deliver all the presents to kids in a single night cuz there aren’t that many good kids.

No matter how fast our brain can process information, it can never be fast enough to experience the actual present moment. Everything we experience is in the past.

Snails can sleep for up to three years when the weather doesn’t suit them.

Surveys show that 100% of people fill out surveys.

If you are attacked by a gator and your arm is in its jaws - push, don’t pull. If you can push the flap open at the back of its throat, water rushes in and it starts to drown and will open its jaws, hopefully releasing you.


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