Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 12/14/2022

Mowing your lawn is an exclusively middle-class chore. Neither the poor nor the rich have to do it.

Knowing that something is unhelpful is helpful.

You can always tell by driving around who has a garage after a snowstorm.

The fact that rich attractive people have insecurities and self-esteem issues is hard to imagine when you are neither rich nor attractive.

Finding out a living famous person is as old as you somehow hurts more than thinking they were older than you.

The first thing most people do when they set foot in a new country is pee.

The more you know, the more you know how much you don’t know.

January 1 23 (1-1-23) will be a Fibonacci day across the world.

Bitcoin did less macro-harm when it was used to buy drugs and fake passports.

It’s impossible to live without killing something.

One day captchas will be too hard for humans.

When you’re driving a car, you’re essentially sitting in a really fast-moving chair.

It’s very likely that someone you’ve met thinks you’re the dumbest person they have ever met.

Your car’s fuel efficiency when the tank is half full is better than when it’s completely full.

When you cut a Christmas tree in half, you don’t have 2 halves of a Christmas tree. You have a bottom half and a new smaller Christmas tree.

Not wanting to be labeled, is wanting to be labeled as unlabeled.

Someone will eventually become the first human to die on the moon.

Whatever you can think of, someone somewhere is attracted to it.

The Simpsons were created before the fall of the Soviet Union.

Our dreams of being able to fly effortlessly must come from being carried as an infant.

There are no appetizers on the breakfast menu.

People want to be quirky and different, but you still have to be relatable to fit in.

Gummy bears are bears without teeth.

No one actually knows where ‘smithereens’ is located.


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