Dear Editor,
I wish to take a moment to thank my four doctors, Dr. MacDonald, Dr. Watson, Dr. Willoughby, and my personal doctor and great friend, Gayle Sacry. Also, Comm. Int. Health helper Holly Harper for coming to my house to take my vitals.
Thank you also to the most helpful lady nurses I had day and night, one of whom I’d love to have taken home, but I wasn’t the right age.
Thanks also to my wonderful friend and the families up in Sheridan and my family in Butte.
When I got home from a seven-day visit at St. James, I had fewer body parts. This operation was called gallstone of the bile duct with obstructions. It was cholangitis due to the bile duct calcified with obstruction and gallstones.
I’d like to say if you’re bent over with terrible pain in the guts, do have it checked out much sooner than I did. Over a year of pain, close to passing out.
My friends wanted to know what I had and my problem, so I thought I’d let you know in the paper. I’m so grateful to have friends, family, and my doctors to come over, get checked, and examine me in the comforts of my own home.
I almost forgot to thank the ambulance drivers, the three that had to carry me out; thank you three so much for the quick attention at the ER, which I can’t remember much of that time.
I know this is a long thank you, but it needed to be said. Nothing is like home after a long stay away. I’m thankful to be home. May our God bless and be with all of you for tending to me.
Sincerely, Bill Kenworthy
Whitehall, Montana
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