Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Connecting Point: Hidden Under the Tree

Our lives circle around tradition, especially this time of year. Over at least the last decade most, maybe all, adults agree tracking consumers has

become excessive. It is my opinion that this creates a slippery slope where we lose value in some of our most precious Christian teachings. By no means am I being a Scrooge, we surely can celebrate different holidays, but let’s keep the true meaning in focus.

As Americans most of us are accustomed to a Christmas tree, some go all natural and trek out into the woods dragging that tree through the front door to be adorned with lights, bulbs, and more. Others choose to get out their boxed tree that sets up quickly and has no need for water. We’ve utilized both options as a family. Giving of presents is another special tradition; this has long brought joy to most children and parents alike. Some of my fondest memories come as a confession. Both my sister and I would sneak out of bed to catch a glimpse of our parents wrapping presents late at night; we quickly learned that Santa was actually our parents. Dad did resemble Santa in some respects. However, their entire Christmas season was filled with anticipation, wonder, and joy. We couldn’t wait to dive into the stack of presents nicely hidden under the tree on Christmas morning.

Thankfully being raised in a Christian home, our parents instilled in us the rich truth behind all the Christmas traditions. Behind the caroling, parties, cookies, and lights were the greatest gift given to us, Jesus. He was born of a virgin, laid in a manger in swaddling clothes as shepherds and wise men fell at his feet in worship. Such an event should not be hidden because the Savior of the World is real. In fact, many prophecies were written in three different kingdoms, North, Jerusalem, and Alexandria, hundreds of years earlier that foretold of Jesus. The Old Testament records them. Deeper research is

available for free on the Internet, you just have to look for it.

Prophecy with respect to the Bible can be simply tested for its accuracy. There are voices in the church today that muddy prophecy, and for that, we should be cautious; however, we should not throw away tried and tested prophecy. Certainly, the prophecies regarding Christ’s birth can be tested from the Old Testament. Some include: Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him

Immanuel.” Written 700 years before Jesus’ birth this prophecy is accurate to the “T”. There are numerous Christmas hymns and carols which applaud this very message. Micha 5:2 provides another accurate prophecy, “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” The very birthplace of Jesus was spoken of over 800 years prior to the event. Likewise, Isaiah 9:6 “For to us a child is born, to us, a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

There are hundreds of Old Testament prophecies that Jesus fulfilled, so we can be confident in the time-tested truth; Jesus is the Savior of the World. This message is much more than a tradition, as Christians, we need to share this gift with others and not keep it hidden.


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