Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Tiring of Misleading Dribble

Dear Editor,

Well now, this is different. I know that my letters are usually long, but this is in response to the letter last week wondering whether or not big corporations were going to get any more tax breaks when the republicans take charge of the house next month.

I tire of this misleading dribble. I have a suggestion and this is to everybody, do not listen to the dribble from either party. When you hear garbage about anything in politics, Google it. Quick, easy, and very informative.

Corporate welfare or research and development subsidies was and is created by either side in Washington D.C., including independents and socialists. The lobbyists that represent companies, special interest groups, and even foreign countries (including countries that hate us) all buy their way to money for whom they represent. To think that only Republicans do this is unreal. These politicians on all sides of the fence are worth tens of millions of dollars. You don’t get that way by protecting those who elected you. This will continue. Political entities will continue to blame the other side. The United States is in rough shape right now and most politicians, special interest groups and foreign characters are pushing this division.

If you truly want to return to the constitution and laws of the United States, take the time to hold these politicians responsible for what they do. It is possible.

Jim Buterbaugh

Whitehall, Montana


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