Well-known poet Maya Angelou has said, “Everyone grows old but not everyone grows up.” It is one of those understated facts that on Wednesday you might find humorous and on Thursday it irks you. There are some adults that never grow out of their youthful patterns, and some even try to relive their passions vicariously through their children. Age does not guarantee maturity. I like to think that Maya Angelou would enjoy me saying that the Christian sojourn is aided by learning from the Bible.
Peter, a steady disciple of Jesus, closes his letter: “Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen,” (2 Peter 3:17-18). Many years ago a wise college professor told us as students, “When you see a ‘therefore’ in the Bible take the time to see what it’s there for.”
Peter opens this book of the Bible with a similar statement, “Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord,” (2 Peter 1:2). Grace is the central focus of the entire New Testament; salvation is given freely to us by God when we acknowledge Jesus to be our Savior. This message is the greatest message in Scripture, and how each of us responds to this message is the greatest question in history. In essence, Christians are given the assignment to grow, but this is an individual choice. We are to grow in grace which is the manner in which we conduct our lives. Discovering Jesus, over and over again, propels us. The following are three principles from the text:
One, understand there will always be some type of growth inhibitor. The charted course for the Christian is filled with obstacles that detour us from growing, including hardships, doubt, and also suffering from those who mock our beliefs. Peter contends that the Lord is faithful and is patiently waiting for lost people to repent. Just as the earth was destroyed by water, one day the earth will be destroyed by fire. Why? So that the new heavens and new earth can be established as God promised.
Two, remember dead things don’t grow. On purely a biological stance this fact is 100% true, without growth death occurs. The same is true for spiritual development, growth is never an option, it is necessary. Assessing our spiritual condition should be a priority; otherwise, we can get lulled into stagnant living, which is virtually the same as death.
Three, the only way for Jesus is to go forward. Peter said, “…dear friends, since you already know this, (referring to those who distort or falsely teach scripture) be on guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position,” (2 Peter 3:17). As we journey on this course we do so with perseverance, knowing one day Christ will return for His own. Grace not only saves us but keeps us alive and on course.
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