Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Mrs. Kidwell's Kindergarten Class Christmas Interviews


Ledger: What do you do when you decorate the Christmas tree?

Brantley: I put up the star!

L: Does the star go at the very top of the tree?

B: Yep!

L: That's pretty neat! What do you put under the Christmas tree?

B: A bucket!

L: Is the bucket for water for the tree?

B: (nods head)

L: Do you put Christmas presents under the tree too?

B: Yeah, Santa does!

L: What does Santa look like?

B: He has a hat with a big ball and the moon hangs on it!

L: How does he get in your house?

B: (rolls his eyes) The chimney!

L: How does he get there? Does he drive in a car?

B: (rolls his eyes again) No! The flying deer take him there!

L: Do you know their names?

B: (thinks hard...shakes his head)

L: What would you like for Christmas this year?

B: A hot rod car!


Ledger: Can you describe Santa?

Rockford: Yes!

L: What does he look like?

R: He has a long beard and he's an old man with a hat on.

L: What color is his beard?

R: Ummmmmm....white?

L: How old is Santa?

R: 100.

L: How much do you think Santa weighs?

R: Like 50 pounds!

L: Does Santa Claus have helpers?

R: Yes! The elves!

L: How big are the elves?

R: (motions with his hands about six inches tall)

L: Uh oh! They're little! Do you think Santa ever steps on them?

R: No! They are magical and they can freeze you!

L: Have you ever seen an elf?

R: I got froze by one at my house!

L: What would you like for Christmas this year?

R: A motorcycle tiger!

L: Wow! That sounds cool! Can you ride on the motorcycle tiger?

R: (laughs, shakes head) No! I can't ride on it but I can make it go with the 'mote control!


Ledger: Who brings you Christmas presents?

Eli: Santa!

L: What does Santa look like?

E: He has a white beard and he wear a red suit.

L: How much do you think Santa Claus weighs?

E: Like 45.

L: Is that a lot or is that a little?

E: That's a LOT!

L: Where does Santa Claus live?

E: (points up) The North Pole!

L: Is it hot there or cold?

E: It's like really weeeallly cold.

L: What kind of car does Santa Claus drive around to bring the present?

E: He's got a sleigh.

L: What does the sleigh look like?

E: It's red and it has hooks on the back of it!

L: How does it move? Does it have an engine?

E: No, the randy-deer.

L: A reindeer? So do they just run really fast and pull the sleigh?

E: No! They fly!

L: What would you like for Christmas this year?

E: A car!

L: What color car?

E: Blue!!!


Ledger: Do you know what elves look like?

Aloewaesha: (thinks hard...shakes head)

L: Is Santa Claus really big or really small?

A: (thinks hard...shrugs)

L: What would you like for Christmas this year?

A: (lights up, huge grin) Teddy bear!

L: What color teddy bear?

A: A pink teddy bear and two unicorns!

L: Two unicorns! What color should the unicorns be?

A: Purple with purple and pink and the hair is purple on one and pink and purple!


Ledger: What Santa look like?

Aurora: He has a white big beard!

L: Does he drive in a car?

A: No, he has a bright sled!

L: Oh neat! Does the sled have an engine or how does it move?

A: (thinks....shrugs)

L: How does Santa get in the house?

A: He comes through the chimney! He scooches down it!

L: Who helps Santa Claus make the toys?

A: The elves! They've got a hat!

L: Are elves really big or small?

A: Small!

L: What would you like for Christmas this year?

A: A princess and a unicorn that is all rainbows!


Ledger: What does a reindeer look like?

Saphira: (thinks...shrugs)

L: Does Santa use a truck to deliver the presents?

S: (laughs) No! Reindeers!

L: Do the reindeer push his truck?

S: (laughs again) No! He has a sleigh and they pull it!

L: They pull it where?

S: Into the sky!

L: Oh wow! How high up in the sky do they go?

S: (thinks for awhile) I don't know but I can't see them.

L: What would you like for Christmas this year?

S: and my brother...we really want...I really want...a remote control car!

L: What color would you like?

S: Green! I really want it with all my heart. But I want a notebook too that has a pen and an Elsa on it.

L: Like a diary or a journal?

S: I think so?


Ledger: What's your favorite kind of Christmas cookie?

Julian: This cookie (draws a star in the air)

L: What does your Christmas tree look like when you decorate it?

J: (draws the shape of a tree in the air)

L: Is your tree a fake or a real?

J: A real tree!

L: That's so cool you have a real tree in your house!

J: Well, we don't yet. We didn't get it yet.

L: Oh ok! Do you know what an elf looks like?

J: They look like...they look (puts his finger to his chin and thinks) Big ears! Big eyes! Little pointy shoes! They are green and yellow!

L: So if they have big ears and big eyes...they must be big! How much do you think they weigh?

J: ounces

L: What do you want for Christmas this year?

J: A puppy!

L: A real puppy or a toy puppy?

J: Um....a stuffed puppy...and a stuffed Santa...and a cookie place!


Ledger: Let's talk about Santa - what's he look like?

Joey: He's short...and he's fat...and he has a beard.

L: Is his beard short or long?

J: Really really long.

L: What color is it?

J: Uhhhhhh....

L: Is it black? Is it...

J: No! (laughing) it's not black! It's white!

L: What kind of car does he drive?

J: (rolls his eyes and laughs) He doesn't drive a car. He has a sleigh and he says Ho! Ho! Ho! to his reindeer.

L: What's a reindeer?

J: It's a kind of animal that flies!

L: How many reindeer are there?

J: (Shrugs) I don't know...I don't count them when I see them.

L: Do you know any of their names?

J: Their names? No.

L: What would you like for Christmas this year?

J: Uh...a kind of Bot that turns into a Jeep. An all white one. But not like Optimus. Optimus is bigger - he's like the biggest one...and he says Autobots, roll out! and he...he...he fights the Decepticons (continues to explain Transformers)


Owen: (Has been explaining bobcats for several minutes)

Ledger: Should we talk about Christmas?

O: Ummm....ok!

L: What pulls Santa's sleigh?

O: Uhhhhh...the red one!

L: The red what? Is it a truck?

O: No! He mostly drives his sleigh with the reindeers - the red one mostly.

L: What's the red ones name?

O: The only one I remember is the Rudolph. Is his nose red?

L: I think so! How much does Santa weigh?

O: Ten pounds!

L: Is that a little or a lot?

O: That's a lot!

L: Where does Santa live?

O: In the Morth Pole!

L: Is it hot or cold there?

O: Cold...but Santa likes the cold.

L: What does Santa eat?

O: Cookies!

L: So you leave him cookies to eat?

O: No!! I don't leave them!

L: What does Santa look like?

O: He's got the know (pats down his shirt) an he has a white beard...and he has a mustache too. And a red dress and but right here there is white right here! (points where buttons are)

L: What would you like for Christmas this year?

O: I really like Army stuff. I want an Army semi that's bigger than any of the other Army stuffs and it weighs five thousand pounds!


Ledger: Can you tell me about Santa's elves?

Mateo: They are the little guys who help Santa make the presents.

L: Where do they make the presents at? Is it at Santa's house?

M: They stay very close to where he lives in the North Pole.

L: Is it really hot or cold there?

M: Ummmmmmmm....I think its like 43.

L: What does Santa look like?

M: (smiles, shrugs)

L: How much does Santa weigh?

M: Ummmmmmmmmm... like 42. Like 40.....42....yeah...41.

L: Wow, is that really big or really small?

M: Well actually, 42. Yep.

L: What would you like for Christmas this year?

M: A monster truck with three wheels and its kinda (holds his arms out as wide as they go) longer than that!

L: So can you can ride on it or is it a toy?

M: It's a big long truck I can ride on!

L: What color should it be?

M: Orange cuz it's my favorite!


Ledger: What does an elf look like?

Gracie: He has a green hat...he has red shoes...and...and it has a white bell that goes around their waist...and a red shirt.

L: How big is an elf?

G: About this big (holds her hands about a foot apart)

L: How much do you think they weigh?

G: Ten pounds!

L: How much does Santa weigh?

G: A hundred!

L: How does Santa get to your house?

G: He goes in our chimney or walks through the door!

L: Does he come in a car?

G: No, in his sleigh with his reindeers!

L: Do you know any reindeer names?

G: Rudolph! Because I watched the movie!

L: What would you like for Christmas this year?

G: A Barbie doll...with red hair and then she has a purple clothes.. then she has red shoes.. and her fingernails are painted black!


Ledger: Can you tell me what Santa Claus looks like?

Caleb: He's bigger than you.

L: How much bigger?

C: (looks skeptical) You don't you know? (laughs)

L: What does Santa Claus like to eat?

C: He eats all the candies!

L: How does he make all the toys?

C: He has the elf guys help him.

L: What would you like for Christmas this year?

C: I would like a new instrument!

L: What kind of instrument?

C: A flute!

L: Do you know how to play any other instruments?

C: No...well...yeah...I know how to play a recorder. I wanna learn more.

L: That's really cool.

C: Yeah, I really want a flute!


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