Ledger: How do the elves get the toys to you?
Max: With Santa! They build them!
L: Do they build all the toys in his garage or where do they build them?
M: Inside where Santa Claus lives!
L: Where does Santa live?
M: The Earth.
L: Can you tell me what Santa Claus looks like?
M: hmmmmm....
L: Can you tell me, is he chubby or skinny?
M: He's skinny! Really skinny!
L: Do you know how much he weighs?
L: What would you like for Christmas this year?
M: A SpiderMan!
L:Do you want a real SpiderMan wrapped up under your tree or is there a SpiderMan toy?
M: A real SpiderMan!
L: Ok cool! If SpiderMan is under your tree, will you let me meet him?
M: (giggles) No!
Ledger: Is your name Holliday because your parents like the holidays so much?
Holliday: (thinks hard, shrugs, laughs)
L: What do you do to celebrate Christmas?
H: We decorate and hang up decorations. And I take one of my socks up and I hang it up!
L: Is it a stinky sock or a clean sock?
H: (laughs) A big sock!
L: Who brings you presents?
H: Santa!
L: Does he knock on your door and come in the front door with the presents?
H: No, he goes down the chimney.
L: What does Santa look like?
H: He has a Santa dress.
L: Is it pink?
H: (laughs) No! It's red!
L: So Santa comes down the chimney in a red dress, how does he get there? Does he drive his car?
H: (giggles) No!! He has a sled and the reindeer!
L: What would you like for Christmas this year?
H: A doggie!
L: A real doggie or a toy doggie?
H: A toy doggie!
Ledger: What's your favorite Christmas Cookie?
Jaklyn: A Santa Claus one!
L: What does Santa look like?
J: He has a red hat and his suit is red...and he...he has the boots!
L: How does he get presents to your house?
J: He has the carry things, the...the reindeers, and they have the thing they pull.
L: What's a reindeer look like?
J: He has a nose.
L: What's so special about his nose? Is he famous for it?
J: It's red and he makes them all fly!
L: Wow! That's pretty cool. What would you like for Christmas this year?
J: My grandma already told Santa what I wanted.
L: Your grandma knows Santa? She called your order in?
J: No! But she told him I want a pink T-Rex dinosaur with a remote control!
Ledger: How does Santa Claus get to your house?
Daxton: (Thinks really hard) I don't know.
L: Do you know where Santa Claus lives?
D: Very far...yeah...very very far away.
L: Like how far away.
D: Like 45....46...47...48...far!
L: Wow that's really far! Where he lives, is it hot or cold?
D: He lives in the universe and its cold cold cold.
L: Who helps Santa Claus make al the presents and toys?
D: The elves.
L: What does an elf look like?
D: They aren't big like Santa. It's kind of like...kind of like....(holds his hands about six inches apart) that. And they are green with white.
L: So they are little?
D: Yes.
L: What would you like for Christmas this year?
D: I want another monster truck, and another, and a monster truck.
L: What color would you like the monster truck to be?
D: Rainbow!
Ledger: What do you put under your Christmas tree?
Cruz: Presents!
L: What do you do with the presents on Christmas morning?
C: Open them!
L: Who brings you some of the presents?
C: Santa!
L: What does Santa look like?
C: He kinda looks like a sailor. He has a belly and a thing...the!
L: How much do you think he weighs?
C: 100 pounds!
L: Is Santa married?
C: Uh....I think so?
L: Do you know what her name is?
C: (giggles) Nope!
L: Who helps Santa make toys?
C: The little guys. The elves.
L: What does an elf look like?
C: I've never seen one. But they look like Santa but it's a little bit skinnier..oh! and they aren't really tall.
L: What do you want for Christmas this year?
C: Like a...stuffed animal.
L: What kind of stuffed animal? Like a teddy bear or a dragon or a kitten?
C: A teddy bear!
Ledger: What does Santa Claus look like?
Cullen: Has a red pack of presents!
L: Who makes the presents with Santa?
C: The elf.
L: What does an elf look like?
C: They are fuzzy and I watched the movie about it!
L: You did?! What part do you remember best?
C: The elves didn't help the girl and they tied her up and they were so cute. And there were a whole lot of books and a huge room full of books where they tied her up. (Explains the movie)
L: What do you want for Christmas this year?
C: A remote controlled drome and a remote controlled dinosaur.
L: What kind of dinosaur?
C: A one that has the black stuff!
L: Ok, you're all done!
C: Can I stay here?
Ledger: How does Santa Claus get to your house?
Quinn: In the sled.
L: Is it like a sled you slide down a hill on?
Q: No! (laughs)
L: What does it look like?
Q: I don't know!
L: Does Santa drive it like a car?
Q: No! He moves it with reindeer!
L: What's a reindeer?
Q: I don't know! It looks like a deer! And it flies!
L: I didn't know there were deer that can fly! Do you know their names?
Q: No!
L: What do you want for Christmas this year?
Q: I want a toy unicorn!
L: What color is the unicorn you want?
Q: It sits in the corner and it looks like a rainbow and has black hair and rainbow...or white hair..or rainbow...or I like them all! I just want one!
Ledger: What's Santa look like?
Nathan: He has really red clothes and he's....he's....he'
L: Do you know, is he skinny or chubby?
N: He's like reallly really skinny!
L: How much do you think he weighs?
N: Like a lot!
L: How does Santa get to your house? Does he drive in a car?
N: No! He comes in the sleigh!
L: What does the sleigh look like?
N: It's red too and has the reindeers.
L: What do the reindeer do?
N: They fly! Look, here's my locker - wanna see? (gets up to open it)
L: Not right now - but tell me, what do you want for Christmas this year?
N: I want a Jurassic World T-Rex!
L: What does a T-Rex look like?
N: Like a...ROAR! And he's big, like one o'clock! And black!
Ledger: Bella, what does an elf look like?
Bella: He looks has pointy ears and a hat!
L: How big are elves?
B: (holds fingers about an inch apart) Really teeeeny!!!
L: How much do you think an elf weighs?
B: or....13!
L: When you decorate for Christmas, what do you do at your house?
B: I help my mom decorate the tree.
L: Is it a real tree or a fake tree?
B: It's fake. We decorate it with stuff we got at Walmart!
L: What would you like for Christmas this year?
B: I want a guitar!
L: A guitar! Do you know how to play a guitar or do you want to learn?
B: I want to learn!
L: Do you sing with the guitar, too?
B: (laughs) NO! I just play the guitar!
Ledger: What does Santa Claus look like?
Lucas: He's really....he's really...his face and his hands and everything...(motions with his arms wide open)...big!
L: Do you know much he weighs?
L: (thinks hard...looks at ceiling) No.
L: What does an elf look like?
L: They're orange! They've got these (makes horns on the top of his head)
L: Antlers?
L: No, not antlers. They're horns!
L: What do the elves do?
L: They make the toys!
L: Where do the elves live?
L: In Santa's garage, by his house, so they are by the sled!
L: The sled? Is that what Santa uses to deliver presents?
L: Yeah, and they bring them to you when you are....are...when have to get sleepy!
L: What would you like for Christmas this year?
L: An elf!
Ledger: What do you leave for Santa on Christmas eve?
Emma: We leave...the...the...cookies!
L: What kind of cookies?
E: I don't know...but...(thinking) ..I think they are cholocate chip!
L: Does Santa get to your house in his car?
E: No in his sled with his deer. The one with the red nose!
L: Uh oh! Does that one have a cold?
E: No! He's got a red nose cuz...cuz.... he was a stranger and everyone made fun of him when he was young but...then...then his nose got red!
L: What happened when his nose got red?
E: Prancer didn't like it and Rudolph's nose got red and then Santa said he could guide them!
L:Oh neat! What would you like for Christmas this year?
E: I want my grandma to come for Christmas to our house again.
L:That's sweet!
E: Cuz the last Christmas I was crying because I couldn't see her and I really wanted her there for Christmas.
Ledger: Can you tell me about Santa Claus?
Otto: Santa Claus brings presents!
L: How does Santa make the presents?
O: With his Santa magic!
L: Have you ever seen Santa?
O: (whispers) No. Well....he has white clothes....and red clothes...and has a white beard.
L: Is he really skinny or chubby?
O: I don't know.
L: Do you know what his favorite food is?
O: (very excited) Yes! Cookies!
L: What kind of cookies?
O: Santa cookies!
L: What would you like for Christmas this year?
O: A banana chair!
L: A banana chair? Will it be yellow and look like a banana?
L: Where will you put it?
O: In the living room!
Ledger: What does a reindeer look like?
Lorenzo: You know! It's like a deer!
L: What's special about these deer?
L: They fly!
L: How do they fly? Do they just run super fast and jump in the air?
L: No! They just fly!
L: So, do they pull Santa's car or?
L: No!!! They pull his SLEIGH!
L: Do you know any of their names?
L:Umm....there's the red one?
L: How much does Santa weigh?
L: I don't know!
L: What would you like for Christmas this year?
L: Some Sonic stuff!
L: Like a Sonic the Hedgehog video game or a stuffed animal or?
L:Just all kinds of Sonic stuff! All the Sonic stuff!!!
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