The elves have been to the Library to decorate, and the entire place is covered with Christmas cheer! The 21st Century program finished learning about Ukrainian Spider ornaments and creating their own when they volunteered to help the staff decorate the tree, light the windows, and stash little bits of holiday traditions around the building. Thank you all for helping!!
The Library is the place to be during the Christmas Festival on December 10th. We will be open from 9 AM to 4 PM with multiple events going on for children and adults alike. The Friends Book Sale will open at 9 AM for the day and buyers can fill a bag for a dollar or two bags, or... you get the idea!
At 10 AM Miss Deanna from PBSKids will be in the basement doing crafts, stories, and other holiday celebration activities. At 1 PM the Friends Cookie Reception will open, and live music will begin with Ron Jung and his talented musicians. The Winter Wear Giveaway also opens at 1 PMfor those who need hats, scarves, coats, and other winter items.
Of course, no Christmas Festival would be complete without the arrival of Santa Claus!! Our favorite jolly old elf will be here from 1 PM to 4 PM handing out treats and making a list of who's naughty and nice!
In preparation for all the festivities, Miss Deanna will be doing all the different Storytimes on Friday, December 9th. She always brings such great activities for our younger readers to do. Storytimes are at 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, and 1 PM.
This week was also a big celebration for Curiosity Untamed, which meets on Thursdays at 2 PM. Curiosity Untamed is an educational incentive program to promote lifelong learning. Badges are used to motivate individuals of all ages and abilities to take their education to the next level. Currently, there are more than 1200 individual badges in nine different Areas of Discovery to earn. Taught by Diane Jensen, the first class four-week Curiosity Untamed class offered at the Whitehall Library was Braille. Participants learned about the history of Braille, reading, and writing the Braille code, and the importance of Braille to give visually impaired individuals access to printed material. Braille achievement badges were earned by charter members Ginny Blackburn, Melody Evans, and John Moulton.
The second four-week Curiosity Untamed class was board games. Class participants learned how to play cribbage. Board game achievement badges were earned by participants Ginny Blackburn and Mark Nelson. December's Curiosity class is working on its Holiday badge and January's class will focus on World Flags.
On Monday, December 12th at 1 PM Bryan Carlson will be instructing community leaders on the purpose and requirements for the new Communities That Care project here in Whitehall. This group is made up of different serving aspects of the Whitehall area in hopes of networking different services together. If you would like more information about this group, contact the Library at (406) 287-3763.
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