Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between the Stacks: 11/23/2022

The Library will be closed for Thanksgiving both Thursday, November 24th and Friday, November 25th. We will be open the rest of the week for regular hours and programming. The book drop will also be open the entire time we are closed so feel free to return things during the holiday.

The Rockhound Group will meet on Monday evening, November 21, at 6 PM. One of the members has graciously lent us a small collection of her fossils and bones to display through January. They are a fascinating group of items that show animals from the past so stop in and take a look.

I attended the Town Council meeting last Monday evening to discuss using the old Town Hall for programs and a future Library annex. I am always so pleased at the amount of support the Library receives from both our town government and the public. I will be working on a proposal for the use of the building, as well as a series of grants to see if we can get the funding to build a new courthouse and entry to join the Library and old Town Hall. The Library is busier than ever and simply running out of space.

Holly Harper and the Community Integrated Health program, in conjunction with the Library, are providing an incredible opportunity for those 65 and older in the form of a 12-week course called SAIL (Stay Active & Independent for Life). This free program is a fitness and strength-building class which will meet twice a week from January 3rd to March 14th from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM at the Library. There is no requirement for an existing fitness level, people with limited mobility and using assistive devices are welcome as are those recovering from an injury or surgery. Please call the Library at 1-406-287-3763 to sign up!

Mystery Book Club meets on Tuesday, November 22, at 5 PM followed by Lit to Flic at 6 PM. We have received multiple new mystery series this month including the books on which the new britbox series Karen Pirie is based. Lit to Flic will begin reading "A Study in Scarlett" and discussing the book next week.

December calendars will come out soon with all the great events we are having for the Christmas Festival. If you would like to donate to our Winter Wear Giveaway, we could use some more scarves, gloves, and coats. We would also take socks and winter pajamas. Stay tuned for more details!


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