Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 11/16/2022

We’re the only species that eat hot food that we warm ourselves.

Whenever you die, you’ll end up contributing to statistics of how you died. Therefore you can’t even live without completing a survey.

The only reason we are using a base 10 number system is having 10 fingers; there’s absolutely no real reference in nature to 10 or its powers.

Dwight D Eisenhower was still in office when Joe Biden celebrated his 18th birthday.

Someone at some point in your life has probably seen you at your best and hoped to see you again but never did, without you ever realizing or even knowing their very existence.

The disappearance of phonebooths makes the escape from The Matrix more or less impossible.

Gravity is what distinguishes walls, floors, and ceilings.

Eating spicy foods is socially accepted self-harm.

For a company whose biggest property is a plumber, Nintendo sucks at stopping leaks.

The invention of those water bottle refill stations has probably been the most effective environmental project ever.

The History Channel probably had a large effect on the openness and mainstream adoption of conspiracy theorists.

At some point, kids will never draw cars with exhaust fumes again.

Dogs and cats have superior senses of smell compared to humans, yet they seem unfazed by fetid smells that make most humans vomit.

We went from the age of Exploration to the age of Exploitation.

There’s discombobulated but no combobulated.

No matter how long you live, it’s going to end on a cliffhanger.

The real IQ test is whether you pay for an internet IQ test or not.

You can teach a man to fish, but you can’t teach a fish to man.

Somebody once looked at a pig rooting around in its own filth and thought it might taste delicious.

Powerball billionaires are probably way better for the economy than traditional billionaires.

We are always being monitored 24/7 but we just don’t care.

In the first act of the movie, the bad guy is a faster runner/driver. In the third act, the hero is always faster.


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