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Just Ask Georgia: 11/16/2022

Georgia, I have a question.

My wife changed her Facebook status from “married” to “widowed”. Should I be worried?

Not Dead Yet


Yet is the key word here! Get outta there! Run, run, RUN!

With love, Georgia

Georgia, I have a question.

I have a dog. His name is Charlie and he is four years old. I’m just wondering when I should start to teach him about sex. What age do you think is appropriate?

Naive Pupper


I highly doubt your pupper doesn’t already know about the birds and the bees. Also, this isn’t exactly something someone can teach their dog. This isn’t like “SIT”, “STAY”, or “FETCH”. Also, many say a dog ages seven years for every human theoretically your dog is in his late twenties and has probably already sowed his wild oats without you knowing.

With love, Georgia

Georgia, I have a question.

I am newly single, mid-fifties, and getting my life back on track. I’ve decided to return to college life and get my degree that I didn’t finish thirty years ago. However, I am afraid of one thing. I am not at all tech-savvy.

When I went to college the first time around, I carried dozens of heavy textbooks with me. Computers weren’t around then. Now, I have textbooks galore, but a laptop now as well. I’m worried - will my laptop get heavier the more files I put onto it? It’s already really heavy and I have a bad shoulder! What to do?



Goodness no - laptops should make your life easier, not heavier! Don’t fret, these new-fangled contraptions get lighter and lighter every year - for the most part, I can do my entire job from my cell phone! Good luck in your new path and go do great things!

With love, Georgia

Georgia, I have a question.

I know this sounds crazy BUT my hubby usually has his own smell. The family always knows when he has passed gas even if he tries to be funny and blame it on the dog.

Lately, though he’s had to work late a few times and each time he’s come home and his gas has smelled unlike anything I’ve ever smelled from him. Kinda like maybe he had Thai food or something. He says he has only been at work and not anywhere else...but something is definitely different. Do you think he’s cheating?

Sniffing Sally


Stop. Get help. No, I don’t think he’s cheating. I think you have other things to worry about. Like, why are you analyzing your husband’s gas?

With love, Georgia

Have a question for Georgia? Email her at or use the dropbox outside the Ledger


Please note: this column is just for fun. No person, animal, or property has ever been harmed or in danger. Satire is “the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.”


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