Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between the Stacks: 11/16/2022

Mark your calendar for Thanksgiving week as the Library will be closed on Thursday, November 24th, and Friday, November 25th. We will be open the rest of the week for regular hours, including Saturday. The school has an early release that Wednesday so please keep an eye out for little ones crossing the street to get to the Library.

Monday evening, November 21st, at 6 PM the Rockhound Group will meet upstairs at the Library. This is a great time for sharing new finds, discovering different information on where to find interesting rocks and hearing speakers from all areas of geological interest.

STEM Camp is this Friday, November 18th at 2:30 PM. Miss Brandi always has new and different science experiments to share. Last time she brought little motors so everyone could discover how electrical currents work and set off flying objects around the Library.

Lit to Flic will start A Study in Scarlett by Arthur Conan Doyle next Tuesday, November 22, at 6 PM. The work was first published by Beeton’s Christmas Annual in 1887. It is only one of four full-length Holmes novels written by Doyle, along with 56 short stories featuring Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. It is also the first time a magnifying glass is used in a detective story. Books will be provided to all participants, so come learn about the world’s greatest detective!

“Short & Sweet” was a great success last Thursday evening and congratulations to all of the Jefferson Valley Community Foundation grant recipients. Cricket Pietsch attended for the Friends of the Library and was the winner of one of the mystery grants. The Friends will be deciding where to use this surprise funding in one of our many project areas.

New books continue to arrive at the Library, including a multiple of mystery series, new children’s books, and picture books. This is a great time of year to curl up with your children or alone and enjoy a good book. We also have several new additions to our video series, as well as new movies.

The Library is open Monday and Wednesday 9 AM to 7 PM; Tuesday and Thursday 11 AM to 7 PM; Friday 9 AM to 5 PM; and Saturday 9 AM to 1 PM.


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