Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Toys For Tots 2022 Butte Campaign Underway

Toys for Tots is celebrating its 75th year birthday by giving gifts to needy children. Since 1947 over 281 million children have received gifts. In 2021 the Toys For Tots Program fulfilled the holiday dreams of giving to 8.8 million kids in over 830 communities nationwide. Toys For Tots statistics are beyond belief in helping the kids of America. With your community's help and your support in partnerships, we have brought happiness to children in not only Butte but surrounding areas of Whitehall, Harrison, Twin Bridges/Ruby Valley, Dillon, and Melrose as well.

Compared to other campaigns, Toys for Tots is a small campaign that does a great job of taking care of our kids in need. Last year, in 20211, the Butte Campaign gave 889 children gifts, with an average of 5.83 gifts to each child. We distributed a total of 5,183 toys. Butte's Campaign collected 2,288 toys, 84 books, and 2,689 stocking stuffers. To supplement this, the Butte Campaign purchased 632 toys.

The part of southwestern Montana served has great people and organizations who step forward with donations of toys and money to assist Toys for Tots in helping the kid. If you find it in your heart to donate this year or want to assist further – whether that be by allowing collection boxe4s to be placed at your establishment, monetary donations, or further volunteering – please contact your local representative. The Butte coordinator is Mike Lawson, with assistant coordinator Shirlee Boitnott. The Whitehall coordinator is Carole Cogdill, Harrison is Deb Jacobson, and the Twin Bridges/Ruby Valley coordinators are Nick and Jordan Pettigrew.


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