Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Support for Hensleigh

Dear Editor,

Serving as an effective county commissioner requires at least three attributes: collaboration, a can-do attitude, and vision. Whitehall Mayor Mary Hensleigh exemplifies all these (and more), which is why I enthusiastically endorse her for Jefferson County commissioner.

I’ve seen too many county commissions across the state paralyzed by the grinding of personal axes, partisan bickering, and an inability to focus on the big picture. In the words of one of my colleagues, it’s hard to roll up your sleeves when you’re wringing your hands. Mayor Mary is no handwringer!

I’ve also had the pleasure of working with Mary for the past two years on the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority, which has the goal of restoring Amtrak service through southern Montana. I’ve seen Mary lean into this effort, recognizing how only through working together across jurisdictional boundaries can we achieve anything significant for our constituents. If we’re successful, Mary’s leadership will have played a big part in that. In so doing, she’ll have demonstrated the power of local government to the benefit of Jefferson County.

I hope you’ll join me in agreeing that Mary Hensleigh is the right person at the right time, and will make a great county commissioner.

Dave Strohmaier

Missoula County Commissioner and Chairman of the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority


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