Certain people leave lasting impressions on us, don’t they? I have been taking some time to research the character quality of grace from the Bible’s perspective, and I have been recalling personal examples. The exercise has been off and on for over a month. We are inspired by those who are positive, often aiming our life in the same direction. Likewise, we also watch those who display negative attributes, affirming that such a quality is something we do not want to emulate. Who is it that inspires you?
The late preacher Billy Graham said, “When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.” I appreciate his wisdom and his legacy. Just the other day I called a mentor and pastor of many years to express my appreciation for his influence in my life.
Timothy was a young pastor and his mentor Paul encouraged him to consider character shaping of utmost importance. Paul states that physical training has some value “but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come,” (1 Timothy 4:8). The temptation to focus on the temporary is quite alluring, specifically the physical, rather than on character. Muscle development and strengthening is not necessarily all negative, especially as we age. However, spiritual development assists us in being better balanced as a whole person.
In the Bible, Ruth displays exemplary character. After the death of her husband, she could have remained in Moab, her homeland. Noami, her mother-in-law, decided to return to Israel and in fact encouraged Ruth to stay behind. Instead, Ruth replied, “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay, your people will be my people, and your God my God.” She was graceful in regard to her family and faith in God. Times were extremely difficult as famine ravished the region, yet, Ruth choose a path filled with questions and uncertainty. As a Moabite Ruth understand the sharp animosity between both cultures, they waged war for years. However, she became a follower of the One True God, Jehovah,
which led her heart.
Upon returning to Israel Ruth ended up meeting Boaz, a distant relative of Noami. Not long after Boaz and Ruth marry. Although hardship accompanied Ruth’s life her faithfulness brought about many blessings which she recognized came from God.
What kind of legacy do we wish from our life? Some desire to leave earthly treasures like monetary values which just rust away. Having the mind of Christ points us in the direction of treasures that are eternal, surely, character lasts. Someone wisely said, “Grace is having a relationship with someone’s heart, not their behaviors.” Let’s set our aim for developing exemplary character with every breath we have. Such an impression stands eternal.
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