The taller the person the more freaked out they are by people taller than
Spiderman can only operate in a small number of Earth’s cities. In most of them, he’d be virtually useless.
Many people are choosing to live their own version of the Truman Show by voluntarily sharing all aspects of their lives on social media.
Most people that you know have a memory of you that you have no memory of.
Being considered cute to humans is probably the single best evolutionary strategy.
Sometime in your 40s, you are likely to hit the halfway mark of your life, and not know it.
Pirates with peg legs were basically wooden cyborgs.
No one has tasted the whole periodic table and lived to tell the tale!
Tall people have to worry about nose hairs way more than short people.
No one dresses as Santa for Halloween.
A lot of people have probably died wearing Red Bull helmets.
When a house has no security alarm, squeaky doors become more of a pro than a con.
They keep making Final Fantasy but stopped making the Neverending Story.
Elevators don’t have music anymore.
We pay more attention to the adverts we can skip than the ones we’re forced to watch in full.
Fuel-based cars are subscription services to fuel companies.
Stairs just change one really big fall into multiple small ones.
There are about 180 billion human remains scattered throughout the earth.
You can never judge a person’s skill if you have never done it before.
We are our own greatest obstacle when it comes to understanding ourselves, the world, others, and the combination of the three.
Having a face makes you harder to recognize than having no face at all.
Making friends isn’t hard, making friends that you actually like and will be there for you when times are rough is.
With all the fake blood and gore, Halloween must be the toughest day of the year to be a cop.
Fruit by the Foot must sound like a really gross candy to places that use the metric system.
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