Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between the Stacks: 10/26/2022

Our Homeschool Roundup has decided to meet every other week in November to do different types of activities and network with others around the area. If you are a homeschooled family and would like to attend, just drop in. The dates in November are the 1st, 15th, and 29th. There is no cost for supplies or programs. For more information call the Library at 287-3763.

Deanna Mydland will be here on Friday for the day to celebrate Halloween with our preschoolers during Storytime. She always has centers, activities, music, and games to teach our littlest readers different concepts and skills. Storytimes are at 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, and 1 PM. We invite youngsters to wear their costumes this week or not depending on their moods.

You may have noticed some new books in the picture book section and juvenile fiction areas. We want to thank the folks at the Montana State Library for sharing their new book collection with us at the Montana Library Association convention this summer. We always need more titles for our readers, and these are some great ones.

My question for the week is “How do you tell the difference between a juvenile book and an easy reader?” The answer is in the reading levels. We want children of all ages to be able to explore different parts of the Library and not be restricted by grade level. I keep harder books in the easy reader section for my 1st and 2nd graders who read far above grade level, as well as easier books in the juvenile section for those in older grades who struggle with vocabulary words or reading in general. There is also a small crossover between the fantasy books between the young adult and juvenile sections for the same reasons.

One of the more interesting things I have discovered is that many of our adults and college students enjoy all the fantasy titles in the young adult section. There is a great deal of crossover between the adult science fiction/fantasy section and the young adult area, which is right around the corner. This gives everyone more titles to enjoy and circulates books that might not get checked out.

Mark your calendars for the different days the Library will be closed in November. We will be open regular hours except for November 8th (Election Day), November 11th (Veterans Day), and November 24th and 25th for Thanksgiving.


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