Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 10/19/2022

It’s fascinating that we still have people alive who once in their life spoke with someone born in 1850.

To the first people to fly above the clouds, it must have seemed like a miracle.

Unless you live to 100, every year you live is more than 1% of your life.

Average looking is actually above average.

In the morning, your alarm clock wakes you up while you basically tell it to go back to sleep.

Erasers slowly sacrifice their lives because of your mistakes.

Spiderman wouldn’t have as much mobility if he lived in the suburbs.

Deodorant is actually a reodorant since it replaces the bad odor with a better-smelling one.

Anything that kills you is a ‘once in a lifetime’ experience.

As we get older, the threat of a life sentence becomes less of a deterrent.

Most boats travel faster on the trailer than they ever do in the water.

Ice cream trucks, book fairs, and field trip money are some children's first experience of financial independence.

More young people like old stuff than old people that like new stuff.

Almost none of us wondered what Alt +F3/F5 did.

People typing ‘lol’ aren’t actually laughing out loud.

Half a century sounds older than 50.

WWE is way more enjoyable when you believe it’s all real.

Twix has an endoskeleton and M&M’s has an exoskeleton.

Nowadays you don’t really expect to see clowns in a circus.

Technically, it is allowed to take another person’s groceries at a store since they do not own them yet.

The physical state of strays reflects the economic status of a place.

Someone actually enjoys the feeling of limbs falling asleep.

Going to bed in the morning is also going to bed early.

One day, the last student in the field of AI will have his graduation thesis generated by an AI.

There’s a thin line between a stew and chunky soup.

Not putting up a Wet Paint sign might be more effective.


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