Dear Editor,
In last week’s Whitehall Ledger, I read that Ruth Lott respectfully disagreed with my position on a woman’s right to choose. I was shocked. I did not think this was possible since I have never articulated my position on this subject (see the previous Letter to the Editor). But since Ruth brought it up, I will try to outline my position here.
I am conflicted about a woman’s right to choose an abortion. I do not think it is right to force a woman to give birth if she does not want to. I have seen enough births to conclude that giving birth is not much fun. It must be real punishment if you are forced to do it. On the other hand, I am not into killing babies, human or other kinds.
To argue when life begins is pointless. The egg and sperm are already alive. People that want to allow abortion until the moment of birth have never watched a birth. Giving birth is a process that can take hours. When pressed to define exactly when in this process killing the baby is legal and when it is murder, most folks cannot answer. This type of discussion results in things like ballot issue 131 which should be named the “make sure it is dead before complete expulsion or extraction ballot issue.” It does nothing to help babies or reduce the number of abortions. It is a feel-good distraction.
As technology advances, we might be able to replace abortions with embryo transplants or effectively use the products of abortions as a source for medical treatments to save other babies or adults (beats the trash can). Until this happens, I will leave the decision to the woman and her God. The catch is none of us will know if our God is real until we die.
I also resent using abortion as a distraction for the upcoming election. When I consider the sorry shape the democrats have gotten my country into (inflation, crime, and wars, to name a few), abortion slides down my list of things to worry about. I believe the people in each State should make their own decision on how to control abortion. The Feds already have too much power they misuse.
Bob Sims
Boulder, Montana
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