Dear Editor,
A government of, by, and for the people only works when the people put forth enough effort to select people that have the skills, ability, and desire to operate a government of, by, and for the people. We, the people, have not done a real good job of doing this in recent years. Ask yourself how many people in the elected office you would hire to run your business, sort cows, or even go to the store for you. However, the fact that your perfect candidate is not on the ballot does not relieve you of your duty to vote for the best candidate available.
We, the people, have to get off our butts and do a better job or this system of government will not work. We cannot do much about this problem at the Federal or State level but we can, at least, start this process at the County level on Thursday, October 27 at 6 pm in the Borden Conference room in Whitehall.
The Whitehall Ledger and the Lower Jefferson River Watershed Council (LJRWC) are again sponsoring a candidate forum to help inform voters about our candidates before the November election. Join us at the Borden conference room at 6 PM on Thursday, October 27, 2022, and continue your process of becoming an informed voter.
We have invited the candidates for County Commission and Sheriff. Each candidate will have 10 minutes to explain why you should vote for him/her, followed by 2 minutes where you can ask questions that you think are of general interest. Following the formal presentation/questions, which should take one hour, there will be ample time to ask additional questions and get with each candidate for further discussion. The whole process should take about 90 minutes of your time.
Remember all the voters in the County get to vote for both the sheriff and the County Commissioner. The Sheriff will be with us from 4 years while the County Commissioner will be with us for 6 years, so it is important we make the best selections possible.
Bob Sims
Boulder, Montana
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