Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 10/5/2022

MacGyver was more impressive in the 80s because no one had smartphones and google. All his expertise was real.

Giving up is viewed as weak or lazy; however, knowing when to give up is an incredibly useful skill to have.

Bruce Wayne probably owns hospitals because of his wealth, so as Batman he’s probably beating the crap out of criminals so they get sent there and make him money.

Being tired from staying up too late and being tired from getting up too early are two different feelings.

In The Lion King, Scar is made to be a bad guy, but in reality, he was just doing what cats do naturally; knock things off a ledge.

Online debates are a spectator sport. You’re not going to change someone’s mind, but you might change a spectator’s mind.

Adulting is nothing more than being scared out of your mind but still acting as if everything is fine.

One teacher isn’t qualified to teach all subjects but one student is required to learn them all.

Toothpaste tastes nice but you never get the urge to swallow it.

Most women know at least one way to remove blood stains.

The five-second rule probably came about because that’s how long it takes the dog to notice you dropped food.

Even though so many things taste like chicken, eggs for some reason don’t.

The alphabet has no reason to be in the order it is.

Technological advances in medicine, agriculture, and industry have enabled the weakest and least intelligent humans to survive and reproduce reversing the process of natural selection. As a result, each subsequent generation of humans will be weaker and dumber than the last.

Hourglasses are made completely out of the same material, just the inside hasn’t been heated.

A downside to having a favorite TV show is the emptiness you feel once it has its series finale.

The better at math you get, the more buttons you unlock on a calculator.

Hourly wage workers get punished for efficiency.

Watching the sky is viewing delayed streaming of the universe.

For humans it’s trick or treat, for dogs it’s trick then treat.


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