Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: In Support of Gary Buchanan

Dear Editor,

In today’s toxic political climate I believe we need someone positive in Washington DC. Gary Buchanan is running as an Independent for the eastern district house seat for the U.S. House of Representatives. Jefferson County is in the eastern Congressional district.

A close friend of mine convinced me to volunteer for the Buchanan campaign. My friend worked for Gary in 1994 when Gary was asked by Governor Marc Racicot to re-organize Montana State Government. My friend has known Gary and his family for about 30 years and is heavily involved in the campaign.

Gary Buchanan is upbeat, outgoing, and enthusiastic. When I attend Buchanan for Montana functions, Gary creates a positive atmosphere when he is in a room of people. I ask myself “Who wouldn’t want to work with Gary Buchanan?”

Gary Buchanan has bipartisan support from many of the people he worked for or with. The most notable supporters are former Republican Governor Marc Racicot and Dorothy Bradley who was a Democratic legislator and gubernatorial candidate. He is also supported by Republican Jim Peterson who was State Senate Majority Leader and head of Montana Stockgrowers Association, and Republican Dave Lewis, head of the state budget committee. He is endorsed by the Montana Sportsman’s Alliance, the AFL-CIO, and the Montana Federation of Public Employees. Many businesses across the state also support Buchanan.

Gary has a breadth of experience from working for six governors. He was the first Director of the Department of Commerce and went on to serve as Chairman of the Board of Crime Control, the Montana Banking Board, and two terms as Chairman of the Montana Board of Investments. He also served on the Montana Supreme Court Commission on Practice, Montana Capital Development Board, Montana Power Authority, Montana PBS (Public Broadcasting System) Board, and Montana Chamber of Commerce Board. He is a former chairman of the Nature Conservancy of Montana. This extensive experience as either board chairman or member illustrates to me that Gary can work with people and get something done, which are attributes needed in Washington D.C.

In 2002 Gary and his wife Norma started Buchanan Capital, a financial advising service. He is still in business, demonstrating he knows how to make good investments for his clients. Gary has labeled himself as fiscally conservative. I don’t believe he’ll vote for frivolous budget packages in Congress. When federal budgets are proposed, I believe he will ask the question, “Is this a good investment for the taxpayers of Montana?”

Because of his banking and financial background, Gary is the best candidate to deal with inflation. His experience as chairman of the Banking Board during the 1980s when mortgage rates were 17% will be invaluable. He doesn’t think the Biden administration is doing enough about inflation but supports the efforts of the Federal Reserve to curb inflation.

There are many other reasons to support and vote for Gary Buchanan. Check out BUCHANANFORMONTANA.COM for more information. Finally, 98% of Gary Buchanan’s campaign funds have come from Montanans.

Grant Godbolt

Whitehall, Montana


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