Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 9/28/2022

The average adult probably has hundreds of thousands of lyrics memorized but they won’t realize they have it memorized until the song starts playing, even decades later.

A morning coffee habit is as much about waking your colon as it’s about waking your brain.

People celebrate those that quit drinking but demonize those that refuse to start.

The Sun doesn’t know shadows exist.

Maybe the reason we can’t taste or smell water is that we’re already more than half water and we’re desensitized to it.

It’s kind of strange that we evolved alongside a huge ball of light in the sky, but we can't look at it without going blind.

Somewhere, someone is wondering what kind of life their dog had after they had to give it up.

People who work in factories that print currency make more money than they make.

Humans are the most widespread invasive species.

The water you just drank earlier might contain some recirculated dinosaur pee.

Most dogs are in better shape than their owners.

The early 2000s was the era for teen movies that relentlessly hired people who were in their mid-twenties and looked it.

The spelling of the word unnecessary is probably the most ironic in the English language.

The curse from The Ring is obsolete.

Bruno Mars will never fulfill his dream of being on the cover of Forbes magazine, smiling next to Oprah and the Queen.

German scrabble must be wild.

You know you’re old when a sneeze throws your back into spasms.

We’re going to need AI to help tell the difference between human-made art and AI-made art.

Strong is the neck that supports the heavy head that wears the crown.

You have never seen a microwave commercial.

You still need non-stick oils for a non-stick pan.

We must waste so much paper from food and grocery receipts.

The bigger a pair of glasses gets, the harder it is for the owner to see them.


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