Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

JLDC Moves Forward with Western Legacy Center Building Purchase

The Jefferson Local Development Corporation (JLDC) voted 6-2 on Wednesday, September 21 to purchase the Rogers Building (3 Whitetail Rd), in which to house the Western Legacy Center (WLC).

In June the JLDC had pulled out of negotiations to purchase the building, with JLDC Executive Director Eric Seidensticker stating that “the Western Legacy Center’s business plan is not in the best interest of JLDC at this time.” However, since June, JLDC had reconsidered their position and at the September meeting voted again, with 6 in agreement, 2 against, and 4 abstaining due to conflicts of interest.

“It’s a complex project,” said Jefferson County Commissioner and WLC proponent Leonard Wortman. “It shouldn’t be a unanimous vote,” Wortman stated that the diverse board weighed in on the business proposition, risks, and gains, making the best decision for them as a whole. “We appreciate the scrutiny and the questions everyone had.”

Former JLDC project manager and now Executive Director of the WLC Tom Harrington said that this project has the broadest reach of any project JLDC has in the county.

“This has a true impact on the county, even already with the WLC’s gift shop being open, featuring Made in Montana items from local artisans,” Harrington said.

Both Wortman and Harrington said that the synergy between JLDC and the WLC is exactly the type of project JLDC looks to get involved in, by reinvesting into the community.

Assistant Executive Director Pamela Polachi couldn’t be happier with the decision to move forward with the building purchase.

“I feel this is really amazing for the town. It will bring an unknown amount of people in off the highway,” she said. “Then our challenge is to send those people into town and the county to see all that Jefferson County has to offer.”

Polachi, who admits that she is idealistic, sees this as the start of something beautiful.

“This is the community I love. I’m ready to work my [butt] off to make this happen,” she added with a laugh.

The next steps for the WLC include closing on the building purchase, then beginning the remodel of the building and creation of the museum exhibits. The original proposal of the WLC’s remodels has been scaled back and a $30-$40,000 interior remodel is slated first.

JLDC Executive Director Eric Seidensticker did not provide comment on the latest developments by press time.


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