Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Finishing Stretch for Whitehall's First Replacement Mural

The month of October is an exciting time for those involved in the Whitehall Mural Project. Artist Kit Mather has been working diligently day after day and essentially has given up her entire summer to finish the large mural that will replace the one on Jefferson Fresh Foods. Arrangements have been made to replace the current faded mural with a fresh new creative special work of art.

The community of Whitehall has already generously contributed to this project and all who have done so are gratefully thanked and sincerely appreciated. No amount is too small and at the conclusion of the project, all donors will be publicly acknowledged and thanked.

It is still not too late for the Whitehall community to contribute financially to the project. Funds are still needed for the final push toward completion and to completely reimburse Kit for giving up her entire summer and her creative efforts.

Those wishing to contribute financially can write their tax-deductible checks to JVCF and write Murals in the memo. Checks can be mailed or left at the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce at 501 No. Whitehall St, Whitehall, MT.

There is the possibility for anyone wishing to purchase the current mural once it is removed from the Jefferson Fresh Foods storefront. Those interested should call the Whitehall Chamber at 406-287-2260.


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