I can't believe it is almost October already! The big news is that PBSKids is throwing a party for Daniel Tiger on October 5th at 10 AM and everyone is invited to come. There will be stories, games, treats, and more with our favorite PBS friend, Deanna Mydland!
Curiosity Untamed will begin on Thursday, October 6th at 2 PM. This unique discovery program will be taught by Diane Jensen and will use different techniques to explore aspects of memory retention and expansion.
The Holocaust Project is starting this Thursday, September 29th at 6:30 PM. This is the third year we have had the book discussion group and the second year the Library has received a grant from Humanities Montana Democracy Project. This is a fantastic way for youth and young adults to learn how political situations developed and led to such an unbelievable tragedy. This year we received $3,500 to continue studying, documenting, and researching Montanans who settled here after the war. It will be a unique opportunity to see history in action. Adults are also welcome to join the book discussion group which meets on the last Thursday of the month. If you have any questions about the project, please contact the Library at 1-406-287-3763 or stop by.
Sandi Hilderman will be in the Library on October 3rd at 6 PM. to share her brother's experiences as a Montana Wildlands firefighter and EMT from his book "Into the Flames." He fought fires from Yellowstone to Glacier National Parks and almost died doing it. Come hear his harrowing adventures.
Diane Nilan and Pat LaMarche told us about a national blanket project for the homeless. Each state is being asked to contribute 100 blankets of any kind as long as they are homemade. They will be exhibited on the Washington Mall next spring, then a representative from each state will take them back to their own area and pass them out to the homeless. If you would like to make a quilt, crochet, knit a blanket, or create one using any method, please contact me for more information.
We have been very fortunate to have programs here which deal with important topics. I feel very grateful to the many people who have traveled, prepared programs, brought resources, and shared their time and expertise to help those in need. The programs on mental health, homelessness, and Alzheimer's are all issues that some of our families are dealing with on a daily basis. If you have a topic of interest that you would like to see information on, please let me know. Education is part of the Library's mission, and we want to make sure our patrons are able to have information when they need it.
One last note, yes, our copy of 1883 is in, and you may put it on reserve at your convenience.
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