Generally speaking, when you feel stupid it’s because you just got smarter.
Queen Elizabeth’s birth was probably announced via a telegram and her death via a Tweet.
There’s something profound in the fact that wolves went from being our bitterest
enemies to our closest friends.
Bond 26 will be the first James Bond film where he officially serves a king.
Giving a book as a present is a great idea; you can read it yourself before wrapping it up.
Life starts as a whole bunch of firsts, but slowly without us noticing becomes a whole bunch of lasts.
Technically speaking, the brain named itself.
You use your phone every day but you never see it in your dreams.
Considering that marijuana is a flower, lots of men indeed like getting flowers.
Every 100 years, 99.9% of Earth's population will be completely replaced.
Our parents and grandparents had nowhere near the amount of complexity and competition to deal with in their careers as we do.
You’d sleep in someone else’s bed or in a hotel, but you’d never buy a used mattress.
Bank clerks can tell you the available funds in your account, which technically makes them fortunetellers.
Let’s all have a moment of silence for all those brave men and women who sacrificed their lives figuring out which fruits and vegetables were edible.
Pets must be really confused when humans stare and do nothing for hours on end since they don’t know what reading a book is.
Humans in the next century will have an absolutely enormous catalog of vintage movies/ books/ videogames/music to choose from.
When a raindrop falls on us, it’s actually sniping us from over 3000m above.
It’s so very satisfying having a song finish just as you park up.
Being the bigger person becomes harder the smaller the other person is.
Almost all of the biggest companies in the world wouldn’t have been as successful as they were if third-world countries were developed.
Comfortable silence is peak communication.
You can work all day long but if they see you lying on the couch, well, then you’re obviously lazy.
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