The odds of being born are 1 in 400 trillion but there is no one in the world who hasn’t beat those odds.
Given Elvis Presley’s popularity, it’s surprising more people aren’t named Elvis.
Western Boomers were underqualified people who had the chance to do great things. Western Millenials are the most overqualified people, forced to do menial things.
So many things were invented because people were lazy, but so many things weren’t invented because people were lazy.
People who live in climates with four seasons probably appreciate summer weather more than people who live where it’s sunny all year.
So we have the knowledge, ability, and power to fix everything wrong in the world, but we aren’t going to because of money.
No dinosaur skeletons have ever been found 100% complete, so all skeletons in museums are made up of multiple dinosaurs pretending to be the one.
Even though our fingers are different lengths, they all line up when you curl all your fingers in.
Most jobs that require physical labor don’t get Labor Day off of work.
Thermometers are technically speedometers for atoms.
Biggest joke on mankind - Computers asking Humans to prove they are not a robot.
The World Wide Web was supposed to be a cure for ignorance but it encouraged and enforced our collective stupidity instead.
Good actors are nothing but believable liars.
Soda is liquid candy.
Water automatically gets recycled no matter how you dispose of it.
Saying Word Wide Web is faster than saying www.
In December the movie Titanic will be too old for Leonardo DiCaprio.
Hot dogs are a perfect example that humans don’t care what they eat as long as it tastes good.
The hand-eye coordination of the average human seems unremarkable until you try to program a robot to do the same task.
Getting ghosted is much harder to deal with than getting rejected.
Unused clothes on your vacation are a great way to keep an inventory of your actual favorite outfits.
Music is an addiction to many people.
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