SETH COOMBE (Running Start/Kindergarten, Supervising teacher - 17 years at Cardwell) 406-287-3321 ext 309,
I’m looking forward to a new year of fun and learning. We bought a new math curriculum and also got new Clear Touch boards!
MOTTO: Let them be kids
LINNAE ALBRECHT (First & Second Grades - First year at Cardwell) 406-287-3321 ext 301,
I’m looking forward to seeing my students learn and grow! I’ll be teaching reading and math curriculums that I’ve not used before. I am new to Class Dojo. While I’ve always made a point of keeping in touch with my students’ families, I think Class Dojo will make doing so easier.
FUN NEW TEACHER FACT: I wish I could purr.
MOTTO: I aspire for my students to love learning!
AMY RODRIGUEZ (Third & Fourth Grades - First year at Cardwell)
I’m looking forward to bonding with students and staff and having a lot of fun while doing it.
FUN NEW TEACHER FACT: I have two fainting goats.
MOTTO: The most learning happens when we are having fun, feeling confident, and being comfortable with others. This is what happens in my room!
ERIN MURPHY (Fifth & Sixth Grades - First year at Cardwell)
I look forward to this school year and getting to know the kids and their families!
MOTTO: Amazing things happen here
MICHAEL COOMBE (Seventh & Eighth Grades - Eight years at Cardwell)
I’m looking forward to seeing my students again. I love teaching here and I’m excited to get back.
MOTTO: “Truly wonderful the mind of a child is.” Yoda
KYLA SIMON (Music and Library - 8 years at Cardwell)
I’m looking forward to time with students, of course!
MOTTO: Every child is gifted, they all just unwrap their packages in different ways at different times.
NOLA SMITH (Resource Teacher - 7 years at Cardwell) (406) 287-3321 ext 304,
I’m looking forward to seeing new and old faces. New this year: I will be teaching History this year with the older grades.
MOTTO: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think” Christopher Robin, Winnie the Pooh
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