Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between the Stacks: 9/7/2022

September is here and calendars are out at the front desk. Our new hours began on Tuesday, September 6th, when we will be open at 11 AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This makes us open four more hours during the week so early birds come in before lunch and we can have programs earlier in the day. The calendar is packed so here are a few previews.

The first of our new programs is “Stitch’n More.” We will be exploring different types of needlework and doing small projects to let everyone try different types of handcrafts from embroidery, quilting, knitting, crochet, cross stitch, and more. This group will meet on Wednesday afternoons at 1 PM.

Homeschool Roundup will be held Tuesday, September 13th, at 2 PM. This program will introduce our homeschoolers to the many programs and services the Library has that cater to those who home-educate. We will also be discussing different programs that would work before the end of the school day for these patrons as well as brainstorming programs and areas where the Library can help.

Mommy & Me is a dual set of programs for mothers with young children. The mothers or caretakers will be looking at all types of parenting help while their children are in a toddler time program for younger children. This group will meet on Thursdays at 10 AM before the Library opens.

Monday evenings at 6 PM will be our adult programming time. September will offer programs on travel, area interests, and the History Book Club. Pam Polachi will be starting us off on September 12 with “Rockhounding 101” featuring different fossils, crystals, and area rock samples.

The 21st Century afterschool program will be back on Tuesdays and Thursdays with art, Reader’s Theater, art history, international crafts, and more. All Library programs are open to the public and are free of charge.

We will be doing Storytime for five different groups this fall on Fridays, as well as STEM camp and Pokemon Club. If you would like to use the basement for a meeting, please contact us at 287- 3763 during regular hours.

Our first very special program will be a night of discovery with Diane Nilan and Pat LaMarche on teen homelessness in America including Montana.

These two nationally known speakers, authors, and filmmakers will be sharing their work on September 21 at 6 PM in “In Our Own Backyard: Teen Homelessness.”

We will also be hosting an Alzheimer’s Community Forum Lunch for caregivers, family members, and those diagnosed with this heartbreaking condition on September 27th at 11:30 AM. The program will include many guest speakers as well as a free light lunch.

It’s a busy month! Pick up your calendar now!


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