Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Wendell David Oliverson, 82

Wendell David Oliverson, age 82, passed away peacefully at home on August 24, 2022, due to lung cancer.

Wendell, AKA Dave, was born in Franklin, ID on May 3, 1940, to Wendell W. Oliverson and Karma Porter. He was raised on an alfalfa farm in Franklin, ID until his parents moved him and his sister Janet Schuh to Alder, MT where Wendell milked 15 cows to help the family run the Alder Rest Home and the Oxbow Cafe. Wendell went to Sheridan High School where he played basketball and participated in FFA. A couple of months before the end of his senior year, his family moved back to Franklin, ID, where he graduated from Preston High School.

Wendell married IvaLou Bennett and they raised five boys on 80 acres in Cardwell, MT; Kevin (Katy), Kurtis (Jennifer), David (Britta), Dwayne (Jill), and Burdean (Jeanette). Watching his sons grow up playing basketball and track turned him into a passionate sports super-fan, being their biggest cheerleader. Whether it was hyping up the fans of the Whitehall Trojans, or following his granddaughter Kailee and the Twin Bridges Lady Falcons to multiple state tournaments, he loved supporting all his grandchildren if and when he could. He had the same fervent passion for bringing back the bluebird population in Montana. His thousands of remaining bluebird boxes will be part of his legacy.

Wendell cherished his membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He served in various callings throughout his life, including serving a mission with his wife. He had an unwavering testimony and exemplified the love of the Savior through his love and service to others.

Wendell is survived by his wife of 60 years, IvaLou Bennett Oliverson, his sister Janet Schuh (Jerry), his five boys and their spouses, and fifteen grandchildren (Brandon, Skiler, Josh, Aiden, Zach, Sarah, Rebecca, Michael, Noah, Kailee, Kyra, Aleah, Maddy, Logan, Chantel), and six great-grandchildren.

Wendell did not want any fuss like a funeral or service of any kind so a small family-only grave dedication will take place the first week of September. Thank you to all who knew him, laughed with him, and loved him. He has found the peace he was seeking these last couple of months.


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