Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana
As a kid, you thought the Bermuda Triangle and Volcanos were going to impact your life heavily when in reality you have probably never been even remotely close.
Kids are the most expensive things you can get for free.
One of the toughest parts about a significant other. passing away is that they’re usually the ones that hold you when you’re sad.
The Swiss must’ve been very confident in victory if they included a corkscrew on their army knife.
When people were put on the rack for torture during the Middle Ages, the first few seconds probably felt pretty good.
We fall asleep against our will. Even if you want to fall asleep, you can’t control when you actually do.
Very tall people are less likely to know that they have a bald spot in their hair because other people are usually not able to see the top of their heads.
It’s strange how strawberry flavor is very different from the taste of an actual strawberry.
You have wisdom built upon memories you can’t remember.
Due to inflation, being a millionaire will become less and less impressive until everyone is a millionaire.
You’ve got to be really smart to discover how ignorant you are.
Your taxes pay for law enforcement to protect the property of people who pay less in taxes than you.
The highest latitude person in Poland is the North Pole.
We never see baby seagulls even though they are everywhere.
Inheritance is your relatives dropping loot when they die which you pick up.
Mammals that are born fully functional probably remember the process of being born.
People with ADHD have idle animations.
Dairy Queen really doesn’t have enough dairy products to be considered the queen of dairy.
Leaving a positive review because of a good employee can lead to more customers going to the establishment and the employee doing more work for the same compensation.
In Sci-Fi movies and shows, like Star Wars, they always seem to agree on which way is up.
Someone has probably imagined punching you in a fake scenario.
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